The Night Watch
Alliance | Earthshaker EU
About us:
We are a tight knit and friendly community who migrated over from Flamelash EU with no membership loss. Active both at night and during the day, we welcome everyone, including those with real life commitments! When not raiding we are out in the world farming, leveling alts or PvPing.
Raid Times:
Friday: 00:00 - 03:00 (Blackwing Lair 8/8)
Saturday 00:00 - 01:30 (Molten Core 10/10)
Random: 00:00 - 01:00 (when Onyxia canβt be matched with a Saturday)
Login Time: 23:30 - 23:45
Loot System:
Loot Council
Trial period consists of 2 consecutive weeks of Raiding (BWL/MC)
Trial period not eligible for loot unless gear is passed upon by Raiders and above.
Low drop rate BIS reserved for Core members.
What we are looking for:
Paladin: 2x (Holy)
For more information reach us on Discord or in-game:
Karghan (GM), Spicypooh, Spookers, Nqrd, Kredysh, Quasarkin