The Scarlet Circle [4/10M] are looking for a few more dps to round off our team this tier and beyond.
We are a casual raiding guild on Chamber of Aspects Alliance who have been around on this realm since it opened in 2009 and before that on a different realm. We raid progress 2 nights on Thursday and Monday from 21:15 to 23:30 server time.
We progress through Mythic and aim to kill as much as we can while still having fun getting 6/10M in Nathria and 10/12M in Ny’alotha most recently.
We have a casual raid night on Wednesdays for socials and alts, or achievement runs. We have a fairly active M+ scene in the guild and sometimes have M+ nights and guild Torghast runs.
For a chat or more information, add me on scar#2634 for bnet or scar#0097 on discord