About us:
ThirtyForty is a english speaking raiding community, formed late BoD mythic crossrealm out of adult mythic raiders.
We have a enjoyable raid atmosphere for our raiders but still serious and focused towards getting cutting edge.
In Eternal Palace our numbers were depleted, because of mythic Cross-Realm was only unlocked after several months and we lost some key members. To prepare ourselfs for 8.3, so this doesn’t happen again , Thirty Forty Community has created a Guild in Ravencrest and slowly moving the members from the community to the guild.
Guild Progress: 4/8 Mythic - Progressing on Orgozoa.
Raid Schedules: Wednesday and Friday - Invites at 19h00 ST. Trash Pulling 19h30 ST. Raid ends at 22h50 ST. (With Breaks)
Expectations: We expect you to know your class, be always prepared and show a good attendance.
Our team right now is solid and stable but we are still in need for some good players. If you feel you have the same mentality and commitment we would love to have you join our team!
Community - search ingame for “ThirtyForty Mythic Raiding”
Guild - www.guilded.gg/r/zzJjMDqk4E?i=GmjDg234