THoF @ Nagrand - A semi-hardcore and committed raiding guild formed in 2007.
We are recruiting ranged Dps to complete our mythic raid team.
(Exceptional applications will always be considered.)
The classes we are recruiting are as follows:
- Warlock High!
- Mage High!
- Boomkin High!
- Ele Shammy High!
- Hunter Medium!
Raid Times:
Wednesday: 20:00-23:30 ST
Thursday: 20:00-23:30 ST
Sunday: 20:00-23:30 ST
We have a contingency plan of a Monday evening for raid just in case we need that little extra time or an In real life situation appears (I.e. major holidays, unfortunate coincidences).
We also do optional Alt runs on a Monday.
We also do Mythic + Dungeons when not raiding.
For more information you can go to:
Or if you have any questions you can contact us in game: Strava#1641, Malgin#2344