A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

Who gave you permission to reply to me, you scumbag? Go fix your white van or something.


Nonce btfo’d

  1. Having standards is unreasonable now?
  2. Being the ‘cleanest and most responsible guild in Goldshire’ is akin to being the cleanest rat in a sewer.

Saying you are the cleanest and most responsible guild in Goldshire says very little. Just don’t ERP in a 12+ game at all. Especially not with minors.


Nobody would intentionally help GS guilds. However, best case scenario is that they take your 100% failsafe model and adopt it. Worst case, they continue just like before.

And if it’s misused, call them out. Not that I imagine it’s a big risk anyway because I am willing to bet my liver your method doesn’t exist.

I’d say we are.

It’s being bashed because you are :poop: at PR.

have a look, plenty of comments bashing them too. They are as much part of the problem as you are.

Or maybe your method is so good other, more serious guilds will use it? Who knows?! Nobody because you’re being so vague/outright lying about it that NOBODY thinks it’s real!

If you were THAT concerned about it you wouldn’t even use it on guildies I wager because it takes 0 effort for them to reveal it after the fact.

I’d wager the majority considers suddenly having a big mount on them during RP is deliberate griefing.

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Lilynore stands accused of looking at the:


tbf lilynonk is more of a problem than the standard goldshire degenerate esp given now hes dipping his toes (badly fyi) into griefing rpers regardless of whether theyre pcu or not

looks at his goldshire goons dancing around our duskwood event

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What you see?

Okay Trumpnore, let’s go over this nice and slowly.
The point is not helping the other Goldshire guilds. I could care(l)ess if they all go down in a banhammer rampage. It is about helping keep minors safe from getting into situations that are bad for them.

If EVERYONE knows then EVERYONE can judge them for refusing to stick to it or for using it wrong.

The ‘Report’ button doesn’t absolve you of the accusations it just temporarily stops those making them from posting in the forums.

The whole forum is united in being against your guild. That rarely happens in ERP scandals. There are usually known individuals (who aren’t level 10 Pandarians) saying that it’s being overblown. There are none here. There might be a reason for that.

  1. You’re a biased party. If you tell me a statement is objective when you have such an obvious bias then I am going to be more suspicious of it.
  2. IFF (if and only if) you are telling the truth (note not including the OOC guilds who are there)? Again big IFF considering how you tend to act on the forums “CONGRATULATION! YOU ARE BETTER THAN A BAR THAT IS SO LOW KOBOLDS ARE ACCUSING IT OF TAKING THEIR CANDLE!”
  3. You being willing to leave those guilds in such a lowly position goes against your mission statement.
  4. The ERPers in the inn < Trial OoCers.

If only there was a community who, armed with this knowledge could actually enforce it.

Note: You offered to reveal it for ingame money. Changing your mind now doesn’t free you of the fact that you, by your own logic offered up the safety of minors for money in a video game.

“Minors may find ways around it” would still result in less minors potentially at risk than the current situation.

Again I never referenced the picture in question.

How can we guarantee they don’t erp in Goldshire with those trial OOC cyberers? We can’t. All we can is report them and warn people about them. Which we already do. Handing out our checking method won’t change anything at all, because no other guild even bothered to ask about age, so apparently they don’t care at all and would invite anyway.
Nobody else can use this knowledge, really. Because nobody else cares.

How can ‘EVERYONE’ check that they stick to it, instead of just telling they stick to it? Also, sticking to it is difficult and requires certain effort, while as I said above no other guild even cares about age. So nobody but us will do that.

There were no justified accusations so far, just rants and hallucinations. So there isn’t even anything to absolve from.

You mean 20 PCU drones, of course. No, it’s not ‘whole forum’.

Biased against what?

We’ll cleanse them, don’t worry about that.

Wait, what? Why?

There is - Goldshire Lux. Nobody else can or even cares about it, they just spam invite kids :woman_shrugging:

Actually it does.
Also, as I said - revealing this knowledge won’t help anything, nobody will care to use it but minors will find a way around it. So it would be even worse.

Must be weird to live in the world where anyone who disagrees with you is working under some great evil leader


No, most of them are in actual PCU guilds, please check.

most in ten characters

Fixed it for you.

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killing lilynonge was the easiest thing i’ve ever done


If people just didn’t ERP in a game that had a 12+ bar, it certainly would guarantee this would not happen in Goldshire.

So maybe you should stop + stop encouraging it.


still not in pcu. do you guys recruit trolls?
dunno why this character is still showing as 12

Fixed it for you, friend.

course we do mate welcome aboard