[A]<Timed Crisis> 1 day raiding and mythic+ community

About Us

Timed Crisis is a growing community formed with the aim of bringing together players with a similar mentality. We hope to offer an alternative for people who aren’t getting everything they want from their guild or cant find a guild that suits their needs.

We believe that all but the most difficult content in the game can be defeated efficiently and easily with the right commitment and attitude. We play the game looking to exploit every advantage and to be as prepared as possible for any content we tackle. We enjoy performing well in the game and improving which is the same attitude we expect of all of our members - not because it’s a chore but because that is how you choose to approach the game.

Our aim is to clear heroic raid content as quickly as possible whilst only raiding 1 day a week and to offer a place for people to find groups for pushing mythic keys as far as possible.

However, we also have members actively pushing Arena rating, grinding the new vicious saddles in season 2 and would like to develop an RBG team as well. Our focus isn’t on the content we do but on tackling it with right approach and people.

Our raiding day will be Wednesday 19:45-00:00 (CET) We expect to have to PUG some members for the first few weeks whilst we build up the community but the hope is that we can attract any like-minded players from those runs and quickly build up a reliable raiding team. We will also have a dedicated mythic plus day on Sunday 19:30-late (CET)

What we are looking for

You may be someone who;

• Does not have an interest in mythic plus but wants to raid 1 day a week.

• Already has a raiding guild but wants somewhere to build mythic plus groups.

• Already has a main but wants somewhere to play at a high level with an alt.

All of the above are welcome to join to tackle whatever content suits you. We may have ilvl requirements for certain content but that is only in the interest of giving us the best chance of completing it.

We don’t have a specific trial period but will require every prospective member to run at least 1 mythic plus dungeon and have a quick chat with one of the leadership team before being confirmed as a full member.

If you are interested or have any other questions feel free to contact us in game at Paddywan#2510 or Artyr#21728.

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I tried adding you both but no answer. I’m very interested in joining your community.
I’m a 406 ilvl Fury Warrior with 9/9HC 1/9M BoD .
Please add my bnet if you are still recruiting: Broxy#2960