A tmog I'm really proud of

After months of waiting, farming, grinding and dissapointments I have finally finished my Dracula transmog.

Thanks to the darkmoon faire I finally got the final piece (head piece).

I thought I’d share it https ://redd. it/vqbgye

I hope you all enjoy, sorry for having to space out the url, I still can’t post links :pensive:.


that looks really good
good job

edit: Guys, i only linked the link, i am not the author don’t compliment me lol.


That is a very cool transmog.


looks very cool!

also void elves have the ultimate Dracula hairstyles

its been so long i forgot which character i used to farm Darkmoon

Looks really good, though I’d personally think on finding a different belt to go along with it.

The hue of it is too bright compared to the rest. Maybe something darker could work?

Thank you :blush:

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You look amazing!

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All kinds of Dracula action detected…all kinds


Very creative! Looks awesome :slightly_smiling_face:


I usually dread seeing threads about transmogs as they end up being a massive disappointment but kudos to you, Dragonsworn, you’ve actually created a very nice and accurate transmog. 10/10

Eh, it’s an all right mog I guess.

Not bad looking. You pull it off well.

Cool transmog, but don’t bite me pls :grimacing:

Cool mog! Well done m8 :slight_smile:

Nice well done. Do you use mogit? Or something to compile your mogs? I’ve never proper got into mogging might have to give it a go usually I just throw some stuff together never really planned an outfit

Very good, but I think you can find better shoulders

I don’t use mogit anymore it seems to be conflicting with other addons I use. Instead I just scroll through the armoury see what works make a set, save it and just go off that. I use betterwardrobe as well so it shows me more.

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Try show off shoulders and back. 1000x times much better then! :slight_smile: