The BFA sylvanas is actually Azshara in disguise and the real Sylvanas has been locked up in Queen Azshara’s (sex) Dungeon. Hey makes about as much sense as what we’ve got from blizz til now!
Unpopular opinion, but I actually like that they try to implement plot twists in this train wreck of a narrative. At least, with every new snippet of story that gets revealed to us, I am facepalming due to being dumbfounded with the obviousness of their “plot twists” instead of simply facepalming only due to the sheer stupidity of a totally predictable plot.
BFA has been the first expansion in this franchise that I absolutely have no idea how it is going to conclude, despite being almost totally sure that it is going to be a mess and I actually like that, in a twisted, masochistic kind of way. I have no idea how will they try (key word here is “try”) to salvage the faction war, I have no idea what are they planning to do with Azshara and N’zoth, Sylvanas, Death, Void, whatever.
It is more fun bearing witness to an already half-destroyed car that you know is bound to crash eventually without knowing when or how, than watching an already half-destroyed car cruising in a straight line that ends in a wall.
I’m telling you, Kul Tiran fleet sinks and Tandred, together with other sailors (not all of course) is saved by those Deep Jinyu from BlizzCon. It’ll be the Alliance intro to Nazjatar.
But that’s too Alliance centered, there must be a way to involve the Horde characters.
Goddess willing, if those 2 witches are in it together I hope they will suffer horrible deaths !!!
That was the case in most of Legion and they didn’t care.
Horde only gets story when it goes genocide mode on Alliance.
I am pretty sure the way they will transition to 8.2 will involve both factions, it does not make sense to have the Alliance only.
Can you Elaborate on the Legion part? it was not faction based, and the command center was Dalaran a Neutral city.
We will get those Naga slaves on our sides eventually, made out of sea giants, Maruka’s and Gilbins.
So you would be totally fine with an expansion where 90% of the characters in the narrative are Horde and you are forced to follow them?
Where they also bad mouth the Alliance in front of you?
Dalaran has always been an Alliance city and always will be, just because it it technically neutral right now because of Khadgar doesn’t make much of a difference.
I think people would like it more it Horde got a city that rivaled Dalaran so that Dalaran and the Kirin Tor wouldn’t have complete monopoly over anything that had to do with magic.
Same can be said about Legion but it still was 90% Alliance races, only screentime Horde got was Belves in Suramar and Forsaken in Stormheim.
I for one would love to have a pet naga siren.
It pisses me off that we are deprived of our naval superiority so early. What was the point of that suicide squad? What was the point of the entire Battle of Dazar’alor?
Because old gods and Naga > faction war. That’s why.
Are we? I mean, the interview does not state the fleet will sink.
I think it will start getting interesting in 8.2
The fleed has to sink. Otherwise the victory over the Naga would come way too easy/fast.
I don’t see how you can beat aquatic creatures with a fleet. Like, am I going to sail down to Nazjatar?
Nazjatar will rise to the surface. Meaning it will be vulnurable to actual landside/open attacks.
I still don’t think the Kul Tiran fleet would be so powerful to beat Azshara single-handedly.
And you seriously think that Blizzard won’t have Azshara destroy the Kul Tiran fleet? When they made it clear since Mists of Pandaria that they can’t write a plot with one dominant faction? I applaud your optimism, but I am disappointed that the Burning of Teldrassil didn’t teach you anything.
I don’t care what Ion says in his lawyer speech interviews, facts speak more than his words, and the fact is that when Ion says “be prepared for some grand twist”, you should be prepared for the worst possible outcome of the storyline.