A totally unexpected Azshara plot twist coming!

I’d be pissed too if that happened to the Horde, but I would much rather have that story than the story the Horde has been given though.

Yeah kinda, but that should’ve always been the case.
The humans are still the centerpiece but hopefully Blizz is gonna realize the ridiculous amount of screentime the humans get and give some of it to other races/characters.

I don’t think so because those characters didn’t play part in any story on Argus, they were just kind of standing there and existing.

Gee, maybe someone from either faction could’ve asked this question. Not like we were sharing a city for like a year while fighting in the Broken Isles, hmmm Blizz?

Blizz has always revived characters like crazy, but no matter how many times they introduce a new villain, said villain will always lose.

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Execpt the horde manage to conquer ashanvale and darkshore, burn tedrassill and destroy undercity on there own terms.
That alone make a huge different.
You got some wins before you started losing.
And your feelings do not make it any less of a win.

Vanila meaby.
But tbc and wraith of the lich king was rather fair.

I personal think they are trying to avoid SoO 2.0 by making it so the alliance fight on there own without helping the horde.

Shoud have been but wasnt.
I think the mass sub loss after tedrassil shocked there wallets enough there doing damage control.

It wasnt much of a contribution i give you that.

Blizzard writting.

I know.
But because they keep being revived like crazy and our cities and population remains ruined the alliance and horde are slowly losing the multi front war against evil.

Yes but nobody wanted the Horde to burn the tree, especially how BfA was marketed as a faction pride expansion, how it would be morally gray, how each faction is gonna do questionable stuff.
None of that has happened, only Horde does bad stuff while the Alliance only do good stuff, that’s not morally gray.
Moreover the burning itself drained what motivation Horde players had for the expansion because we knew where the story was gonna go from there, and we were right.

Depends on how you look at it, why did Kael suddenly turn “evil” and had to be killed, why were the Alliance ones that reignited the Sunwell.
Sure now the quests both factions had were equal and everything but the Alliance races were still the ones leading the narrative, mostly Draenei.

Now for wrath, my biggest problem with wrath is that the Forsaken were not included in the story. The one race whose whole purpose and story from vanilla were getting revenge on Arthas, but in the end it had to be a Human who had to finish it.
We got Dalaran with Rhonin as its leader, just felt like it was more of an Alliance city, would’ve loved if Horde got something else instead.


Those are good points.
I agree with you.

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I’m calling it now:

  • At some point before Legion Sylvanas was replaced by Aszhara. This will also explain why Helya made a deal with Sylvanas…for some reason.
  • N’zoth/Aszhara herself whispered to Vol’jin so that Sylvanas/Aszhara could become the warchief of the Horde.
  • As the Alliance is now closing in on victory, Aszhara thinks it’s time to drop the masquerade because she believs that both factions are weakened enough. Nazjatar will rise, and the Kul Tiran fleet will be destroyed. Because lolz.
  • We rescue the real Sylvanas from Aszhara’s basement. Saurfang and the rest of the Horde are obviously super cool with her again.
  • Tyrande absolutely hates this whole thing regardless and will go full on evul, becoming a raid boss or something along those lines.
  • Something, something N’zoth. Something, something “Azeroth is free”.

I’m actually not sure if the Kul Tiran fleet (or the Zandalari one) will suffer even more losses. In a very recent Wowhead article (I’ll try to find it), Ion confirmed that they both suffered heavy losses. It was more of a plot thing for 8.1, and I’m going to make a wild guess that they won’t do the same in 8.2.

But then again, Blizzard knows how to ruin their own lore in an admirable way, and they need a cheap reason for us to take the fight against sea Elves, so oh well we’ll probably see the last remains of the fleets sunk as well.

Blizzard’s “plot twists” are basically Russian Roulette, except this gun has 100 bullets and 99 are filled with plot twists which ruin their lore even further. Maybe someone should tell them they are not as cunning as George R.R. Martin, as they themselves tend to believe?


Actually it’s in the same article:

" Jaina has been defeated, the fleets of both factions have suffered heavy losses"



The Q&A ‘funtimes’ kinda answered your question for you :rofl:

All of their plot twists have not been twists at all, they were always just everyone’s first assumption.

Back in MoP they were teasing us with who is gonna be the new warchief.
They said it wouldn’t be someone who we expected. Everyone’s first guess was Vol’Jin, guess who ended up warchief.

Same for Teldrassil, you’re never gonna guess who burns it, everyone’s first guess after 5 seconds of thinking was Sylvanas. Guess who ended up burning the tree.

I don’t think anyone believes them anymore when they say “Oh you won’t believe what will happen in the next patch.” followed by “Just wait and see.”, 4 words Horde players have been traumatized by in BfA.


Ooh, that reminds me of one of Golden’s tweets about how pissed off she was that people were assuming that datamined content was true. And it obviously turned out that it was.

I agree with you, and I’d like to add that it is also quite sad that Blizzard has been keeping players mostly interested by false promises of “grand schemes” and now these kind of plot twists… imagine a world in which storylines were engaging from the beginning!!


Well let us give Blizzard the benefit of a doubt for 8.2 considering Azshara is a schemer and has had a period of 10k years to weave it perfectly.
I feel that they learnt their lesson after so much criticism and Backlash they can’t afford to mess up.

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In term of gameplay - fully agreed.

In terms of lore, well, as long as they still compare themselves to Game of Thrones, there isn’t any hope for them.


Well they gave us Baine redeeming the Horde in Jaina’s eyes. There’s hope yet!

Or rather, the record says that I believe there’s hope yet as I’m still paying for a sub…

We all sensed we were in for a “Gotcha” moment. I have been longing for it to happen, so I am glad it will arrive soon.

We are all different, but in Legion, we knew where we were going and why. That kind of knowledge suits me!

This kind of being kept in the dark just hasn’t worked in the game, for me, anyway. It made the ongoing story appear in its own little bubble, where I just felt like a spectator.

I’m not asking to hear the deepest secrets and most inner thoughts of our leaders. But enough “wait for it to make sense” now.

How did the Kul Tiran fleet suffer heavy losses when they did nothing after their crushing victory against Ashvane in 8.0?

Probley a classic blizzard case of tell, dont show.
Tvtropes: TakeOurWordForIt

What I Expect
Sylvanas frees Azshara to destroy the Alliance fleet, revealing that she is doing it to rescue the world, Jaina ist sad about her fleet, Resulting in Sad Jaina Cinematic. Plottwist: Hordeleaders do not want Jaina to be sad and rebel (No one want to live in a world where Jaina is sad).
What I Hope
What will happen
Sylvanas frees Azshara to destroy the Alliance fleet, and reveals that she is evil, want to destroy things and do not care about horde. Baine is SHOCKED


Do Azshara needs to be freed?

Oh sorry, my bad. Failed hard on multiple planes. I meant Sylvanas raises (frees) NOT AZSHARA (no idea why I wrote her) but Nazjatar…

But even this is wrong as not Sylvanas raises it. No Idea what I done there…

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Azshara will reveal Nazjatar and will suck ships in (Judging by the art at Blizzcon) many will get destroyed. The remaining survivors are captured (no idea who) while others battle the Naga with the Locals there and make new friends.
I assume further up the story Azshara appears and wrecks everyone resulting in Malfurion/Tyrande and Thrall/Thalyssra making an appearance to rescue their respective faction. Finally they march on the eternal palace.

I have no idea, but Ion explicitly stated that the Horde and Alliance fleet has suffered heavy losses since the defeat of Jaina. I assume that this also includes the Zandalari (which did suffer heavy losses as we’ve seen in-game) and the Kul Tiran fleet. There was a minor battle at sea before Jaina froze the sea, perhaps Ion is refering to that. Or perhaps Ion himself doesn’t know their own lore.

Either way, while you are a great Loa, Ion is a god and his words are truth.

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