A Tour of towers - Previous completed challenges doesnt show in achievment progress, bug?

Since legion i’ve been collecting appearances from the mage tower challanges.
Just recently i completed the guardian druid challenge and ‘The Highlords return’ which was supposed to be the last challenge for me.

Currently it says im 3/7 on ‘A tour of Towers’ but i’ve now completed it all and i’ve got the weapon appearances to prove it.
Has anyone experienced this issue and do you know how it can be fixed?

I love the challanges but would like to get credit for the accomplishment and start doing something else with my life :').

The achievement “a tour of towers” was introduced during the shadowlands expansion, did you do all the 7 challenges since it was introduced or did you do 4 before?

It does not count retroactively i’m afraid.


Ah! That might be it. My memory is not too solid but i was quite sure i did most of them during legion but as you say it might be that i did 4 of them then.

What i feel is odd tho is that i shouldnt have recieved progress at all then (ecxept for the guardian druid one).
The weapon appearances got removed before shadowlands and i got them from doing the challenges so if your theory is correct then i should have less progress.

For exemple;
I did the God queens fury on my ret paladin and got the weapon appearance and transamog. That shouldnt count on my progress for ‘A tour of towers’ if that theory is correct but still does somehow. And i did not do that one again for fun.

I guess it might remain a mystery but i feel like you might be right still :slight_smile: Appreciate the answer

Did you do holy or prot pala in Legion ? if so that is why you have some ret skins. And to get the book you need to do 7/7 from SL onwards.

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Yea i did prot paladin in Legion but that is a different challenge.
I’ve got both the retri weapon and the prot weapon which had gotten unavailable in shadowlands.

No matter, we can make it happen again! Catch you at the Broken shore