Hello Strangers!
We are looking for more raiders to join the Hippie raiding team
The Treehugging Hippies have been around since 2005, and we have our mystic elders that tell tales of how “it used to be”.
Treehugging Hippies is a guild with a long and rich history. Over the years the game has evolved and the guild along with it. As a semi-hardcore raiding guild, we are interested in seeing the hardest content in the game, but we will do so at our own pace, and so hover in the top 5 to 10 progression guilds on our realm cluster
Our current progression is: 8/8HC, 3/8M
Main raid days: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday. 20.30 – 24:00(midnight) servertime (GMT +1).
We are primarily recruiting Ranged DPS & Healers to join core team, though all applications and classes are welcome. We love it if you’re multi rolled, being a healer with a fully kitted out DPS spec is one of the things we appreciate in a player.
One of the best things about our guild is that it’s a team, we have brothers, best friends and lovers (the tanks are close). We’re not scared of competition; the constant drive to better ourselves is what keeps us going.
We are offering Mythic progression, Weekly heroic clears, M+ weekly 10's key pushing / carrying (we all have lazy days)
If you’ve ever thought that you wanted to get in to Mythic raiding but were maybe unsure how to or too scared to test yourself.
Drop us and line and we can see what we can do about that.
We want you to want to better yourself and become the best player you can possible be.
But you’re not alone, we are there to help, and we want you there to help us as well.
“but how do I apply”, I hear you ask. You can apply on our Treehugging Hippies discord: -
Link to our Discord Server, with much more information available as well as the Officer team happy to answer all questions.
Please don’t hesitate to contact one of us with questions and contact info:
Toon: Donpasta
Mage that likes standing in Melee
MrChunkylump#2620 –
Toon: Chemenky
Brewmaster Tank
Fore#2205 –
Toon: Foresight
Feral Extraordinaire
Kreashun#1625 –
Toon: Kreashun
Protection Paladin