[A] <Trixters> is now looking for you

Trixters Is looking for you.
Are you an returning player or just wanted to join an nice, friendly, progressing guild. Trixters is for you. We aim for Heroic raiding in 8.3 and if we can get the players we will go for mythic :slight_smile: for now we have an stable +10 raiding group that is growing each week. Of course we have people doing mythic+ on an daily basis.

As for progress we are 8/8 HC

Raid Days:
Monday & Thursdays and Saturday. Raid time 20:00 till 22:00+ Server time or sometimes even later.

Positions avaliable:
We are looking for every spec/class. We bring the player not the class :slight_smile:

If you are intressted in joining Let me know

Btag of me and Guild leader
Me: Bxinstabiel#2600

We currently have 10 people ready for Nyโ€™alotha normal. 20 man is what we are looking for, for a solid transition to heroic :slight_smile: .

Myrasse is lying we have way more people for normal :slight_smile:

We gonna raid Jan 23. The raid days are Mon, Thurs and saturday.

If intressted let us know

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Thank god your spelling does not reflect how the raid night went. Happily went 5/12 acoording to our aim. Looking forward to clear it Saturday!

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