[A] <Truly Awful> - Fresh raiding guild, cross realm/faction welcome!

As the name might imply, were actually a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to expand our roster. Most of us have been raiding in a separate raiding guild, clearing content since legion on HC, but since we will be changing our raiding schedule, we have decided to make this guild to best suit our preferred raiding times.

Raiding time: Wednesday 19PM CET - Monday 19PM CET.

Currently looking for anyone interested, we are set on main tanks.
We hope you will join us!

Me and my two friend’s would love to join if that’s okay. Envok healer and dps (both around 392) and DH friend also, all have experience with mythic/heroic raiding, currently done all bosses on normal and three on heroic. Shall send you a DM in game to :smiley:

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