A typical day in alliance wow eu

Yeah except he is obviously trolling since the Druid he plays is 12/12 hc and 1700 score.

Paladin might be his “old main” but is not currently being played last keys be did are like 25 may while the Druid is costantly played.

Thing is he is in one of the biggest and best active realms on his hidden main and also in an very active community he has access to everything you do as horde but he wount use it .
I dont have any of the issues he does on SM or AD .
He should blame one dev not all devs and its been 2 years not 5 years (2 is bad enough to be fair i agree)
But he plays the victim card on his pala which is wrong and unfair .

How are we meant to know that he constantly talks about issues on dreanor and his paladin i wouldnt know how to track his “main”

Well simply because I know that he is costantly trolling and crying over everything so I try and double check what he says.

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Well ty for informing me he has a druid on the biggest realm EU and part of the biggest alliance community aswell .
Yes there is faction problems but how he lies and fabricates things is just sad i find him untrust worthly from now on now i know about this char .
Any empathly i had for him is 0 now.

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I personally don’t see any reason for someone to spend 55 bucks when they’ve started working on a cross-faction system at this point.

who are you again and why you stalking me? go do something productive and not creepy. yikes

Posting in classic Retributor thread.

I’d offer some thoughts but I figure I’ll get another opportunity in the next two days anyway. :+1:


Oh so taking 10 sec to check your claims is stalking now.


I like to read any links you can offer as that sounds really good news aslong as it doesnt remove faction identity.

Well your druid timed a 15 workshop, 15 freehold, 14 shrine, 13 ML, 12 shrine so…seems you are probably lying.

I have you on ignore yet I saw what you say from the quotes. It must expired

  1. stop talking about me
  2. stop assuming things about me
  3. find something else to do other than me
  4. I don’t play with you or any of your Droid friends. Bye

Turns out your main is a social in a 12/12M raiding guild :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s a Droid friend?
We can always do Keys if you like :hugs:

Do the same for me then in every thread.

Found your druid main now .

Then i suggest you do the same and stop insulting me in every thread.

If you play in SoD then you do sorry .

I made the opposite experience, I leveled a paladin around the eternal palace patch.
Raids and m+ was horrendous to do.

Pugging something on alliance is the worst, also you so much more groups at any content on horde.

Only way to do it on alliance is to find a capable guild or community.

It’s the same on Horde though.
Most of the “Curve only, oneshot full-clear” groups don’t actually manage to full-clear.

…You should take a long look in the mirror and tell yourself this.

Jesus Christ.


That’s true, but it’s actually more funny to see the heroic pugs are way more likely to clear then normal pugs. I tried for fun with my alts, that was a nightmare.

But it doesn’t change the fact that the playerbase on alliance is now way smaller and way more casual. And that is the main problem.
No racials will solve that, I still laugh about the argument.

I can totally understand that when you want to do content like raids / m+ that the people will go horde.
I said it many times, I would love to play my main paladin as human again, but not with alliance.


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I’m looking for the post on wowhead for some time now. It was a low-key developer who mentioned it in an interview the past year I believe. I also remember posting it somewhere in one of the topics, I’ll get back to you when I find the link or quote.