(A) Véndetta is back and recruiting for SL!

History of Véndetta
Véndetta is one of the long lasting guilds on the connected servers Alonsus, Anachronos and Kul Tiras. We’ve been raiding since 2007 but took a break since late Legion. We have not raided at all in BfA but with the next expansion incoming we decided to start our guild up again and go back to our former glory.

Véndetta in shadowlands
We are a progress based raiding guild that likes to push as far as possible. our focus will be to raid in a relaxed and fun environment, while keeping focus high in order to get those bosses down. Our aim is to clear heroic and go as far in mythic as possible, hopefully managing to get CE like we used to. We are not a world or server race guild and raid in our own pace, we do expect our raiders to give it their all during progress.

We expect everyone to be prepared properly, that is knowing tactics beforehand, be fully repaired and with enough flasks, potions and foodbuffs to last the entire raid. We do not react very well on ‘slackers’. Don’t forget that you have an entire team that is expecting you to be ready.

Raid days
Wednesday, sunday and monday from 20.00 - 23.00 servertime, with 2 obligated progression days and 1 extra raid for whatever is needed at that time (gearing run, extra progress,…).

On the off days, we like to run m+ and have players from all strengths delving into these dungeons. Therefore we are happy to accept any social and m+ players to make sure the guild is also active outside of our main raids.

Recruitment open for

Ranged dps

  • 1 spot open, pref warlock or mage

Melee dps

  • Ww monk with mw os


  • Mw monk with ww os
  • Holy priest with shadow os

Any m+‘ers and socials are always welcome.

Please refrain from applying if you are a drama queen, lootwh*** or anyone who often participates in antisocial behaviour. We play this game for fun and laughs. We welcome banter but aren’t here to be your kindergarten teacher.

We like to get to know a bit about a person before inviting them into our guild. Therefore we’d like to ask you to have an ingame chat with one of our officers. A chat over discord is also possible if you prefer this.

If this sounds like the guild for you, feel to get in touch with us:

Xarial#2863 (officer)

Leethetank#9656 (Guildmaster)
Xarial#9250 (officer)

Recruitment has been awesome lately, got a nice amount of old guildies return aswell so our raiding team is starting to look really great for shadowlands.

All tank and dps spots are taken so we can currently only fit in 2 more healers for our mythic raiding team. We are mostly interested in:

  • Resto druid
  • Disc or holy priest

We are always open for players who love to run m+ and socials.

We are currently looking for:

  • 1 ranged dps, preferably a warlock or mage
  • mw monk

We are always on the looking for more m+ players, any class/role works :slight_smile:

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