Hello there!
We are currently recruiting, all classes and specs will be considered, if you are passionate and know your class that’s all it takes
We are currently 5/8 HC and we have awesome raid leader
For people who would like to catch up, we do normal raids as well, so you can get yourself to heroics.
Raid times:
Normal - Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 server time
Heroic - Saturday/Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 server time
We are an active guild and we always welcome socials. If you prefer talking to writing, you can hang out with us on Discord anytime.
We also do a lot of M+ and occasionally boost our guildies, so everybody can get that sweet upgrades from the weekly chest.
If you’re more into levelling or farming achievements we have you covered.
Feel free to add me for more info
Battletag Ivy#22895
Discord Ivy#6771