A warning to the community wanting TBC servers next

I think it’s also down to whatever each person perceives as a long queue time. Playing normal realm then on to a lowish pop RP realm during TBC each was usually around 10-15 mins or more midweek but shorter at the weekends and that was pre realm merges. That was the norm for me as I’d not experienced a realm where the queues were any shorter. Pick a battlemaster near a pool so you can fish while you wait etc. It appeared to stay much the same post realm merges within the battlegroup with time of day and day of the week seeming to have more influence on queue times than anything else. I do wonder if the same pattern will emerge though of the RP realms being high Alliance pop even with the addition of blood elves or perhaps something could be done to prevent the same sort of imbalances happening twice. History may repeat itself but you’d hope there was also some learning absorbed to keep an eye on faction numbers per realm and lock sides down for a bit when one starts to hugely outpace the other.

Who cares, I can fight horde in arena, which is the main reason to want TBC imo, so your point is irrelevant.

No changes, we want tbc

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World pvp will be absolote becouse of flying and like 99% of people will never pick faction just becouse this race have 0.1 % better stuff.

Bring on TBC. Don’t care about minigame servers.


I don’t care about PVP, I just want TBC servers. If the prize to have TBC is to sacrifice PVP I am more than willing to torture it, kill it and throw it into the sea tied to a concrete block. Flying in TBT will kill PVP? So, what? What is the use of having PVP still alive without having the kind of server I want? If you don’t like that go play Classic, no one will remove those servers, no one will put you a gun in the head to force you to play in any TBC server.

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Some people don’t get it, they will never add TBC to the existing Classic client, they will create a new client specifically for TBC.

p.s. This needs to be posted on Classic forums.

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