A Warrior a Hunter and a Paladin walk into a bar

This was 16/17 years ago, myself my best friend and his brother all discovered WoW and were hooked, we played for hours every day and raided MC/BWL/AQ40 & Naxx Mon-Sun as was pretty much required back in the day, we made a whole bunch of friends, some living in the same country, others abroad.

The hours we would spend just sitting around discussing various things from in game, speculating on upcoming events or just chatting about life in general truly gave us a sense of community.

Fast forward to today and even though the game is alot more connected and the content is easy to access (unless your new trying to get into M+) due to various things I am the last of my friend group still playing WoW and frankly I am lonely.

More often than not I log in, clear the raid each week listen to the voices on discord calling out whatever mechanic (not because i need to hear the mechanic but its just nice to feel a part of something) and then afterwards everyone goes their separate ways and to make things worse, this is as part of a guild.

I fear that as the game became more accessible, player interactions diminished to the extent of maybe getting a “hey” at the start of a dungeon and the only time another word is said is if a mistake is made and more often than not its from a guy who likely just types “…” and guilds are now literally just a nametag under your player name and people tend to look for the cool names rather than the people inside them.

Does anyone else feel disconnected from the world?
Does anyone else feel lonely in an MMORPG?


Expected a funny joke :frowning_face:


Alas no, it was just a throwback to how it all started for me :slight_smile:

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A Warrior a Hunter and a Paladin walk into a hospital. War and hunter got infected and paladin got immune.

(i’ll go hide in shame).


I came here to laugh not to feel sad :frowning:

nope and nope.

a dwarf paladin walks in to an iron bar and stubs his toe

A Warrior, a Hunter and a Paladin walk into a bar, the barman says, “no animals in here”, so the Warrior leaves.


Have you tried making new friends? I can still spend hours on voice just chatting after we are done with our m+ or whatever, just like i did back in TBC. But with new people i got to know during BFA. And the amount of time i spend «chatting» on discord everyday (not voice but text) i’d say i’m alot more social today then i was back then. Just on other platforms.

People keep saying the social aspect is dead, but i dont see it. Maybe i’m weird.

The thread itself.

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A warrior, a hunter and a paladin walk into a bar. The bartender says to the hunter - “You need to be a Demon Hunter for this comp to work”

I started back in late vanilla/early Tbc. Warrior and rogue, PVP server.

I still remember my first visit to Goldshire.
It was late. Sun has set I thought it would be a nice calm quiet place.
I was wrong.

Since then, I’ve had a basementphobia. Thanks Gnomes.

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