[A] Warrior/Hunter LF 1Day Raiding Guild

Hello there ya’ll!

After having to take a break for Classic for awhile due to irl work, I’m now checking to see if there are any alliance 1 day raiding guilds out there, preferebly sunday raiding.

Before I took my break I mained my prot warrior where I cleared MC and Onyxia with. My OS fury dps gear isnt that good, but I could grind to get pre-bis as fury if its really needed.
I do also play a hunter who is fairly new dinged with a few BiS pieces.

I could main either one of them, depending on what you guys need.

I am currently on Gehennas, but the server doesnt really matter as I could just transfer if i find the right guild!

Hope to hear from ya!

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Hi Therzul,

We are about to start our raiding on Sundays 8pm server time on Pyrewood Village PVE Alliance. We are a social guild, am not sure we might be what you’re looking for but we are looking for hunters & fury warriors in particular.

If you’re interested, give me a shout :slight_smile:

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