[A] <who cares> (Hellfire/Arathor)

Absolutely! Hit me up Dawg :joy:
You can add my btag, mumm#2233, or if you know how to do a /who, ask anybody in guild for an invite and they should sort you out :slight_smile:

Anybody else looking for a friendly home? We’re doing mostly M+ currently, along with some world PvP, Timewalking, mount runs, world bosses or old dungeons people need for quests or achievs! We’re pretty easy going and up for most things people want to do.
We are hoping to get people geared up and raiding sooner rather than later if you’re up for that (no worries if you’re not a raider, we have lots of casuals/socials).
We have an active discord for memes-from-work :joy:
We’ve built up a network of friendly pugs from other realms that often join us in discord and for content too, which is really nice!
Overall, it’s just a really nice, growing community of people <3
No dramatists or elitist jerks, just a bunch of friends enjoying the game together :slight_smile:

Hey, we’re still running keys, gearing members, helping each other, hanging out and having fun! Add mumm#2233 and get on board!

Looking to build a raid team before 8.3 so if that’s something you might be interested in, now’s a good time to get levelled/geared up and ready! Make use of the 15% xp buff from the 15th anniversary!! :smiley: