We’re a mixed bunch of folks enjoying all that Azeroth has to offer: killing horde, pushing M+ keys, dancing half-nekkid in Stormwind at 2am… we’re just enjoying doing ‘whatever’ together! No stress, no drama!
Socials always welcome - we’re rarely short of banter!
We welcome new, inexperienced or nervous players, and are happy to help anybody learn, gear-up and improve at any level.
Next on our agenda: RAIDING!!
We’re pushing some high M+ and starting to put together our raid team! This could be a great time to join us and get your name on the roster!
Raid night is currently Tuesday!
Add Mumm#2233 or /w any online guildie for more info, or roll a char on Hellfire and drop in with us for a few days (or forever) 
As someone who started playing WoW back at the beginning of wrath i was struggling to get back into WoW (played on and off since WoD) i was always searching for that family sort of guild we had back in the good old days of wotlk. I have changed server a few times and failed to connect with other guilds. I noticed a guild recruitment from who cares a few weeks back and after a long conversation with Mumm i decided to pay the server transfer and give it a go. I have not been disappointed, since joining i have enjoyed WoW again and have played every day i possibly can to get online and do random things with my new friends whether it is pushing keys , doing old content, or my favourite thing killing horde or indeed just dancing “nekkid” at 2 am. Whatever we do we have fun even when wiping on trash in a mythic + ( i don’t think we laughed so much before)
TLDR: We are cool join us.
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Tonight we completed Operation: Mechagon Guild Run
It’s a lot of fun!
We have gear we need from there so we’ll be going again! Join us, join in!
If you’re still levelling or gearing up, we can help you with that. We’re a nice bunch 
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From the opposite side of the spectrum, of what Falnyr talked about, >who cares< is a great starting point for new players, from having someone to level with to just casual conversation.
Personally, I would most likely not have lasted more than a month in this game, had I not run across one of Mumms recruitment posts and found this (quite frankly) gem of a family and home, in what can (at times) feel like an insurmountable desolate wasteland of a World for solo newcomers!
So join us - you are (near) garanteed to not be disappointed!
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Great bunch of people, in a relaxed, laid back atmosphere with plenty of giggles.
Still searching for a meat shield to join the ranks!
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Such a great guild, even Paul McCartney wrote a song about us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDeCDxoVt2U (Who Cares)
Did you ever get hurt by the words players say
And the things that they do when they’re picking up groups?
Did you ever get sad by the way that they play
When they’re making you feel like a rusty old wheel?
You’ve been left in the rain!
Who cares what the elitists say?
Who cares what the pug groups do?
Who cares about the pain in your heart?
Who cares about you?
We do!
'Cause you’re worth much more
Of that you can be sure
No need to hide
The love you’ve got inside.
Did you ever get lost in the heart of the crowd
And the hordies around keep on knocking you down? (Hmm?)
Is it driving you mad, and you’re screaming out loud
And you’re wondering who’s going to team up with you?
Who cares what the elitists say?
Who cares what the pug groups do?
Who knows about the pain in your heart?
Who cares about you?
We do!
Come in out of the rain!
’who cares’ - anti-elitist, pro-fun!
Add Mumm#2233 for an invite today!
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Still recruiting all levels/classes/specs for all-round fun times and company etc.
Very laid back group, no drama!
Add Mumm or /w any online member if this sounds like somewhere you might like to hang your hat (or gauntlets or whatever)
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We’ve been really lucky to have had an influx of folks who’ve fitted right in! It never fails to amaze me how you can feel like you’ve been friends for years after just a few wipes in Mechagon with someone 
With all BFA dungeons completed, we’re setting our sights on raiding next! We’re still pushing keys regularly and making sure everybody gets as high a run as possible for the weekly chest!
At lower levels, we have some newcomers who’ve rerolled to join us on Hellfire and are really hammering levelling
(and a few alts hurrying along too)!
Discord is full of chatter every day from those of us who can skive on our phones at work
Guild chat lights up particularly in the afternoons/evenings (realm-time) but we have shift workers among us so there will often be people playing at random times of day or night!
Join us, you won’t look back! (probably) 
Add mumm#2233 or /w any online member for a chat etc
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Great bunch of people here and now begining to get the numbers for some raiding
come get involved!
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Ooops i posted on the wrong character!
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Recently transferred over as a new character and joined and everyones been great for helping
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We’ve still got people levelling, still got socials, still running M+ and still lfm for our raid roster!
Join today and get involved!
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We’re friendly, have all the banter you need and we’re even still recruiting for our roster, lucky you!
Come join us for the fun
We had a lot of fun fighting reds in New Home last night while completing everybodys 25 kills quests! Afterwards, we went and did some Mythics to start gearing up our newest 120 hunter (who’s only been playing a few weeks but is doing a fine job already!)
Want some variety in your guild life? Join us!
Still looking for committed* raiders for our roster - /w Brewce for raid-specific queries, or as ever, add Mumm#2233, or hit up anyone in guild blah blah 
*Committed: ‘dedicted’ or ‘institutional’, either will fit in fine!
Guilds been great fun and im loving it we just need a few more people to join us and speak on discord
Still open for more raiders for our roster!
Catch up with mumm#2233 for a chat or jump in and join the gang today! It’s almost completely probably unlikely you’ll regret it! 
Sounds like a wonderful community and guild you have built here.
If only my poor laptop supported more than Classic, I would come over in a heartbeat. :- )
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Actually - screw it!
Later today I will attempt running retail on the laptop after installing it and seeing how it fares with the lowest of graphics.
My interest is piqued.
I’m very happy to report that Shocktormoo successfully crossed time, space (and faction) from Vanilla to… what are we? Caramel? Peppermint? Pumpkin Spice? You’ll never know unless you too join us!
Socials and beginners always welcomed, but we’re keen to get a strong raid team together to take on the current challenges before 8.3 drops!
If you enjoy some world PvP to break up your PvEing, that’s A Thing too!
If you like pictures of a miniature parrot, I’ve even got that covered! How many other guilds offer THAT, huh!? Yea, that’s what I thought… none!
umm… what are you still here reading this shiz for? Go add Mumm#2233 or /w any online member, let’s get you into guild!
Go already, sheesh! 
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Hi I would love to join your clan if you’ll have me .
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