[A] <Winx Club> 10/10 T5 - 2 Nights / 6hrs a week raiding guild

:mag: Currently recruiting :eyes:

  • Resto Shaman
  • Shadow Priest
  • Mage
  • Prot Paladin
  • Any exceptional Applicants

Wednesday 21:00ST - 24:00ST
Sunday 21:00ST - 24:00ST

Guild Philosophy

Winx Club strives to be a continuously improving guild in terms of time and execution without taking on the stress that speedrunning brings. Aiming to clear all phase relevant raiding content in one night (Classic Example: Naxx + AQ40 in Phase 6). This is achieved by bringing together like minded people with the following qualities: - Class knowledge (rotation, talents, gearing) - Raid knowledge (boss and trash mechanics) - Good communication skills (being able to understand and make calls in niche situations) (edited)

:moneybag: Loot :moneybag:

Loot council + Wishlist is a relatively simple way to distribute loot. Whenever an item is involved in the loot system, a group of individuals decides who gets the item. Ideally, this group of individuals takes into consideration several different factors, ranging from attendance, performance, size of upgrade, and attitude.


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