A wish list that we hope one day Santa (WoW developers) will stumble across and, if we’ve not been too naughty, implement some of the ideas mentioned in this thread.
- Do not flame each other/Respect everyone’s wish.
- Comment only once per character and post his/her wish list (If you have any more ideas edit your comment).
- Like wish lists which you find interesting, so that Santa can see them better.
I’ll start with my own 2020 wish list:
- Bring back resilience on PvP gear
- Revamp Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor zones so that they no longer remain static time capsules for more than 15 years. (Add some new quests or something similar.)
- Remove the “can only be used in X zone” requirements from certain items like the new Nzoth toy, because these items get irrelevant in the long run if they are zone locked.
- Bounty/Assassin buff in all of Azeroth (not just current content)
- More race/class combos
To be continued.
Now let’s see your wish lists!
would prefer this gone really, as a mechanic its very unproductive and has just biased alot of big fights from the get go
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- never bring tinkerers
- never bring necromancer
- never bring high elves
- give us HD skimpy mogs
Edit: what happened to my armory? 
You broke it, mine doesn’t work either, you broke mine too!!!

Hide your reply, protect your like button, the forums are going to be a bloodbath!
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What a great week to be alive (or undead).
Allow us to re roll Mythic plus keys again but remove them from the item restoration system.
1: Put Jaina as the new Alliance leader or make Anduin actually not useless
2: make PvP vendors again with resilience gear that is equal to the highest pve gear for those that are PvP players.
3: Make low lvl zones relevant again for leveling with fun bonus objectives like in WOD.
To be continued…
Quivers…don’t care for anything else.
This would actually be great if they’d make a few different events per zone. depending on the zone the amount could vary.
One could be in Loch Modan where you have to help clear out a mine full of kobolds, in order to get materials for the rebuilding of the dam.
Whilst in the Eastern Plaguelands you can come across the Plague woods, where you have to kill 3 named necromancers who are trying to raise an undead army. But it also has a change of a different event going on that tasks you with clearing out the Scarlet Enclave from an infestation of disease carrying mutated rats.
So that the events aren’t as static as they were in WoD, Legion and BFA. But more a combination of the Legion invasions and the static mission zones. When you level a second character you might encounter the different event.
Haha you better hide your kids your wife lol your comment reminded me of this dinosaur of a video
A voting system that works in the following way:
When you log in, you get a pop-up to vote. The vote is about an idea, a suggestion or a change. Things like the level crush, about flying, about pvp vendors, about spending time on old content. You name it. You can answer with a limited amount of options, for example:
- Thums up
- Thumbs down
- I do not care
So after 14 days or so, the results of the vote is being posted on the forums, with the following information:
- What was this vote about
- The percentage of active players that have responded in the 2 weeks
- And the results of the vote
This way we have solid information about what the majority of players like, not likes or does not care about. And then we we can talk on the forums with a solid foundation instead of yelling for something you want.
/peace out