A Word on World of Warcraft

Exactly this! Said this on Reddit, and got downvoted and puked to oblivion.

I think the ‘secret’ approach and not giving everything up is really great, but if there’s gonna be another event, that it gonna follow the same formula we’ve seen thie expansion, with totally worthless rewards on top of it, I’m gonna be madly dissapointed.

With words / promises like in the article, they better edited by moderator deliver something really good, and I’m not gonna even be mad if it’s gonna be abit buggy.

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For the Horde!! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

:bangbang: :crossed_swords: :bangbang:

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Lookin’ good. Love the fact that you’re using Classic SoD as a testing bed for changes to retail, especially since the people who are designing Classic SoD seems to have a very clear idea of what an MMORPG is. It’s more like an MMO even than Era itself is. I don’t love everything about it, and there are some things retail does better, especially related to end-game, but those guys have nailed social experiences and exploration.

So, given that opinion: Realm isolates with mandatory faction balance when?

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Please don’t announce another invasion theme content for retail

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yes this is a random post

Just here to jump on this bandwagon.

Suffer Well.

lol… no wonder the game has fallen into the woke abyss.

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Has it tho?

Idk about you guys but pirates would be sick imo

I think that’s not a sentiment many share, i for one am really excited when no datamining or previews are involved, makes things exciting and drastically increases motivation. Not to mention I personally hate datamining

That’s not what that means

You do realize they can’t say that unless it’s true, and if it’s true why on gods green earth wouldn’t they, that is massive for marketing

That’s not what that means either, I’m not doubting it’s involved but people can try new focuses in art and visuals, see mop, it has a genuine change of visuals compared to the rest of wow.

This is also a fair point to be made, not all feedback we give can be listened to when the post it was voiced in literally has people up in flames for even suggesting it in fear that blizz make actually listen. We silence more feedback then blizzard, the forums are an excellent example.

This is the vibe we need to bring, obviously voice our critique but we can’t forget to voice what we like either, otherwise the “feedback” they will get is: Everything is wrong Everything sucks just delete the game.

There are some points where it’s pushed but, if you could please refrain from making at best 1% of the game represent the whole, cause yes the politcal scene will always reflect in any game of that time, but we have to stop pretending like that’s all on their mind, they added 1 or 2 questlines our of like 30 that involve this “wokeness”, we can argue about the quality of them all day, I don’t think they were done smoothly but an attempt was made I suppose.

All in all I really am excited for the future of wow as it is now, and I hope the developers understand that when we critique the game we do it out of love for it and simply want what we think is the best for it. And that they’ve been doing such a good job, I’m genuinely happy with how the things have evolved, there are issues ofc, but also some great stuff, so please don’t let the negativity get you down and instead do your best to improve for the future, so lots of love from this druid :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :heart:


Isn’t it like that regardless tbh?

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