I need someone who can crafted complete set of Shaman Malevolent & Dreadful Gladiator’s. I have all of the reagents but i will pay for your services. Pls Contact me here or in game.
Thank you
I need someone who can crafted complete set of Shaman Malevolent & Dreadful Gladiator’s. I have all of the reagents but i will pay for your services. Pls Contact me here or in game.
Thank you
Can’t you get both from the PVP vendors in Panda land using marks of honor?
sadly, no
WoWhead said “This item set is not available to players”, that is why they give us change to collect set from LW.
Season 12 and season 12 elite has been removed but season 13 is still available from those pvp vendors. Have you been over to look? I’m just going off Wowhead, https://www.wowhead.com/item=91733/malevolent-gladiators-mail-armor
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