[A] xYU - Largest Balkan Community

The largest Balkan Community on Classic. (NOT English speaking)

xYU is a raiding guild currently recruiting players for our third raid team and to bolster our Team 1 & Team 2 ranks. We have cleared all 10-man & 25 man raids.

We also offer an organized discord to keep all our Events easy to find

Our Lootsystem varies between the different teams. We do however work more with SR and ThatsMyBis rather than Lootcouncil only.

Raid teams :
Team 1 & 2 are established raiding teams since Classic Vanilla
Team 3 is a social and casual friendly group that will also have alts from Team 1 and 2

Raid Days:

Team 1 : Wednesday 19:30
Team 2 : Sunday 19:30
Team 3 : TBD

10 man raids are not fixed and are happening almost daily.

:mag_right: Recruitment
:Tank: DK Tanks
:man_mage: Caster DPS
:priest: Priest


  • Dm me for more info
  • /w one of our officers ingame: Scårn

Najveća balkanska zajednica na klasiku. (NE govori se engleski)

xYU je raiding guild koja trenutno regrutuje igrače za naš treći raid tim i da ojača naš tim 1 i tim 2. Očistili smo sve raidove od 10 i 25 ljudi.

Također nudimo organizirani discord kako bi sve naše events bilo lako pronaći

Naš Lootsystem varira između različitih timova. Međutim, mi više radimo sa SR i ThatsMyBis.

Raid timovi:
Tim 1 i 2 su etablirani raid timovi od Classic Vanilla
Tim 3 je društvena i neobavezna prijateljska grupa koja će također imati alts iz tima 1 i 2

Dani Raid:

Tim 1: Sijeda 19:30
Tim 2 : Nedjelja 19:30
Tim 3: TBD

Raid od 10 ljudi nisu fiksne i dešavaju se skoro svakodnevno.

:mag_right: Regrutacija
:Tank: DK Tenkovi
:man_mage: Caster DPS
:priest: Priest


  • Pišite mi za više informacija
  • /w jednog od naših oficira u igri: Scårn

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