[A] [Zandalar Tribe] <Solid> [Casual weekend PVE]

Haha. It’s not fair, because everyone would rather have lunch with fat ogre above all else :slight_smile:

Ewmy, I wrote you a message on discord.

de la bump

bump time bump time

bumpidy bump

Raiding schedule sounds perfect. Rp-pvp is the best realm type. See you on the other side of the queues.

see you there, ser

I refuse to bump this thread, sir

bumpidy bump bump, leveling

im down to bump

I’m willing to join, weekends are good days for me. Just hope that I persevere my way to 60. Planning to spec holy.

Contact me and well talk, Bumpy

Bump de la bump

lumpers bumpers join dis guilders :slight_smile:


bump de bump

Interesting… so, how’s the attendance requirement? Like if you gotta leave an hour or so early some day for example.

id say around 80% attendance required, else the amount of raiders needed gets too high

Ok thanks. This guild would be otherwise perfect for me, but would have to leave early on sundays (about 1hour).

still bumping over here

Bumpidy bump