Hello there, Solid is a newly formed casual PVE guild that will raid on saturday and sunday evenings ~19-23 CET. Hours could shift a bit downwards as there is not that much to clear in first few phases.
Recruiting everything for now, except shadow priests…and prot pallies.
For loot, we will use EPGP, along with some specc priority per items, so hunters don’t take all the weapons for themselves.
We value attendance and loyalty, classic encounters aren’t that difficult, nor are class rotations. As long as you can attend raids and improve at a normal rate, you are what we want.
You aren’t expected to be world buffed/flasked for molten core farm raid, but on Ragnaros progress, a fire protection potion might be required.
Having no experience is OK, you will learn your class before any difficult encounter is released anyway.
For communication we use discord, which is mandatory during progress.
If you need anything from me, poke me on discord: Ewmy#2364
or ingame on Zandalari Tribe/Alliance: Ewmy