[a][aggramar/hellscream eu] the phoenix reborn recruiting 12/12 hc


The Phoenix Reborn is a semi-casual Alliance guild located on the Aggramar/Hellscream EU realm that has been around since the early Vanilla release day.
Many members are ex-hardcore raiders who now just want to relax and have fun in raids and/or have real life commitments and families.

Our focus is progressing trough the end-game content in a fun and relaxed way while still getting things done. We raid two times a week, are active in M+ dungeon farming and complete achievements together.

We have completed the raids with the AOTC achievement and are now looking for a few more players to bolster our team for the last couple of months in BfA and in preparation for Shadowlands.

We like to have fun while raiding and don’t mind a few wipes or mistakes, we all make mistakes and we are all learning!
We’re a team, a family and we help and encourage each other to improve. With a little luck, a little perseverance and the right attitude we progress while having a good time!

Raid times:
Our current raid times are:
Thursday: 21:00st - 23:00st
Sunday: 21:00st - 23:00st

Besides raiding on these 2 days we also have M+ groups going on trough the rest of the week and if possible the occasionally alt raid.

All classes and specializations are welcome to join our guild.

What can we offer you?
A friendly funny family to raid and/or do M+ dungeons with.
Lots of banter in the discord (voice)chat during the days and more.

If The Phoenix Reborn sounds like a good fit for you please reply to this post or add WaltaJon#1263 on battle-net for a chat.
Alternatively you can also contact any officer for a quick chat on battle-net Dorjie#2497 and Slayyerr#2387.

Thanks for reading, we hope to hear from you soon!