i came back to wow about a week ago, with a fresh install, no addons enabled as i played. My ms while playing is a constant 20-30ms, and yet, i constantly get this weird ability input lag.
As in, everytime i try to use abilities, especially in dungeons, raids and delves, it’s as if im lagging, except i’m not. There is a constant delay when i push the button, to the point where it feels like playing with the gcd of FF14. As a healer paladin especially this is extremely frustrating, as i constantly have to fight against my action bar, praying my spells will go off that i pushed the way they’re supposed to: instantly once they’re off gcd.
Instead, the ability button lights up for half a second, and then it actually releases the ability. When i use one spell after the other, it’s as if they’re in a slow queue to release.
I made sure to use the “reduce input lag” option ingame, and put my abilities on the setting that makes them go off the moment i push the key down once, so that’s not it.
There’s this thread on reddit here that has a great gif that explains what it looks like in action: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsomething-is-seriously-wrong-with-the-server-inputs-v0-76jyo7sg3j1e1.gif%3Fwidth%3D600%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0b2b83b1152170c247fd6eacfa8d8e3fbc773883
Anyone else has this problem? It seems this is on blizzs end, but could there be some way to remedy this other than pray for the next patch to fix it? It feels almost unplayable… and i’ve NEVER had this issue before in over a decade of playing wow.