Abom RP walk

On fights like Queen mythic where fast group/boss movement is required it’s even more apparent.

Make Abom run at a normal speed instead of RP walking to targets, such an unnecessary loss of damage.

You’re making the minions from Apocalypse appear straight away, this is part of the same issue, where minions just don’t move correctly.


don’t worry when the Last Titan XP is released then we will have Abom fixed. We will just have to wait until Midnight is done =P

it’s not like we will see a proper rework for Frost/Unholy, but with Blizztards spiteful behavior with how they handel DK we will never see Shiz done at all.


Ah yeah that’s my copium joke too. Maybe with the Northrend revamp of TLT they’ll remember what class what added with the continent originally.

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