Abomination Limb macro?

/cast Abomination Limb

is that supposed to work or do i have to do something?

Have tried it with for example trinkets but don’t get it to work (on use pvp-trinket)

Syntax is correct for casting abomb limb. If you want to display the icon and tooltip select the ? icon when making the macro and use the following

/cast Abomination Limb

If you want to fire trinkets before abomb limb

#showtooltip Abomination Limb
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Abomination Limb
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hmm. what is wrong with my macro? the only thing that starts is uh assault and the badge. Not apocalyps or the abom limb

/cast Unholy Assault
/cast Apocalypse
/use Cosmic Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity
/cast Abomination Limb

You can’t combine multiple abilities that trigger the GCD. It’ll always stop at the first one, even if it’s on CD.

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Aha, thank you!

How do I solve this then? :slight_smile:

/castsequence [options] reset=condition1/… action1, action2, …

This will make you able too press 1 button each skill proc, but currently there is no way implemented in the game too make it automatically use 2+ GCD skills in a row.

(Also idk if you knew, trinkets can be done by /use 13 - /use 14 without needing to type the entire name.)

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Use a castsequence like Kiyou mentioned, modifiers (ctrl/shift/alt) to change which spell you’re casting, or use multiple buttons.

Castsequences have a number of annoying quirks so I personally don’t use them.

Modifier solution would be:

#showtooltip [mod:shift] Unholy Assault; [mod:alt] Apocalypse; Abomination Limb
/use 14
/cast [mod:shift] Unholy Assault; [mod:alt] Apocalypse; Abomination Limb

So shift = Unholy Assault, alt = Apocalypse, nomod = Abomb Limb
You’ll also need to unbind any keybind conflicts (By default SHIFT 1-6 are bound to Action Page 1-6, CTRL 1-6 are bound to the pet bar)

Whichever solution you go with you’re going to need to press the button(s) 3 times.

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ahh great! that looks like something I can try! thanks a lot!!

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