About death chakrams and rework

That’s probably (and hopefully) because you misunderstood :pray:
“Removing Lone Wolf” does NOT MEAN “removing the pet-less playstyle”. It MEANS “enabling both pet and pet-less playstyles”, because the damage difference between the playstyles will then be minimal (definitely minimal when compared to the current situation where Lone Wolf gives +10%/5%, AoE included).
While Lone Wolf (as a throughput buff) exists, MM hunters (in PvE) are locked in “pet-less playstyle”, which is obviously wrong to be locked in only one option. Same as you would feel it wrong if you were locked in “pet playstyle” (despite it being the original playstyle and one of the main Hunter themes). That’s why we should all advocate for both options to exist and be viable.

Caring for fantasy/immersion in a GAME is valid, and can be done alongside for caring for gameplay. And it has nothing to do with some hunter knowledge :laughing:

The only wrong thing is that it was not nerfed to the ground to finally open both playstyles. There’s a way to enable both playstyles to make everyone happy, yet you would insist that only one playstyle exists, because that’s the one you personally want. That’s the only irrational opinion here :exploding_head: Wake up, there are other people on this planet.

If you want it described precisely, this is the way for all us guys :four_leaf_clover: