About death chakrams and rework

Hi all,

I want to keep giving more feedback about marksman hunter as I can’t in the hunter beta feedback topic (I have the beta but I can’t post there🤷🏻‍♂️)

I’m quite disappointed with last night changes, the excuse of button bloat isn’t representing all the hunters, some like me we like complexity and have a lot of buttons to press, death chakrams was a basic button in our MM rotation and it was extremely helpful combined with volley and salvo, it was a mini burst window every 45 seconds and now it’s gone, instead blizzard put implosive trap which seems is gonna be added in our rotation when throwing traps seems very clunky in mostly all scenarios.

We were asking to rework freezing trap for the same reason.

I don’t even want to get about how cool death chakrams visual looked.

We still don’t see a better adaptation to hero talents to our hunters.

As MM having to spend 4 for legacy of the windrunner and focused aim prevent us from better builds, so please make this 2 talents 1 point node as they also aren’t the most powerful talents.

The change to intimidation is very bad, it was much better 3 mobs stunned than summoning a pet for us.

We still not have basic talents like scare beast made baseline so it seems really inappropriate use a talent point to pick these spells.

It’s so unfortunate we still need the pet to do blood lust, this spell I truly believe should be baseline and without pet needed.

For marksmanship looking at the charts our option will be always picking centinel hero talent for M+.

I saw other classes have spec related core spells made baseline, I can’t understand why hunters don’t, specially the spec I play.

I’d make chimaera shot and sniper shot (PvP talent) much relevant for marksman as by lore and play style should fit with us much more. Right now chimaera shot is almost a dead talent and sniper shot is only used in PvP has a very long cast time and it’s being nerfed non stop to almost be a dead talent too and I can’t understand why.

Mending bandage (PvP survival talent) would be a great addition for all hunters in the class talent tree and very welcome, defensive tools are needed now even more as blizzard is nerfing leech and avoidance.

As you can see I still believe there’s lots to do with the class specially marksman. Don’t get me wrong, I like to see love to survival but isn’t the most played spec at all, while I feel marksman is the funniest spec to play and we’re getting a bit left out.

I’d love to read what other hunters think about all of this.


They removed the active of Flanking Strike, now you have to go in every 3 casts of Kill Command, no matter what. Removes 1 controllable leap, which was very handy in trapping the healer.

Removing Death Chakram just makes the game even more boring visually. We had Chakrams, Glaive Toss and now just nothing? Pressing buttons is fun, come at me.

Explosive Trap doesn’t even have an animation anymore. Barely some super small fire particles on the targets.

They removed the Spearhead charge, losing you a gap closer / creator. This is just looking worse and worse.

Also Steel Trap is gone for no reason. Talents are now totally just an “illusion of choice”, as there are like 1-2 talent points you would ever switch around in each game mode.

Mending Bandage stopped being good some seasons ago, when every class has a DoT that can’t be removed. E.g. Burning Wound, Mark of Fyr’alath, Kingsbane, Burning Frenzy, etc.
In addition with removing Feign Death magic dispel, Hunter has become much less self-reliant in just Dragonflight alone. Big shame, as it’s supposed to be the most independent class, just you and your pet.


I think Death Chakram should 100% stay in some way. It’s a fresh air and one of the few interesting visuals in Hunter toolkit.
Any redesign (bigger CD button, something more passive) is better than complete removal. Not to mention that the Sentinel Hero Talents could have been built around chakrams, instead of the current version that’s more of a druid/mage.

I hope Implosive Trap at least activates the stun of Binding Shot. But generally, they could create some new interesting synergy, such as Tar Trap (slow/root) + Implosive Trap (knock-up) → stun.

I also don’t get the Leech nerf. If there was a cumulative problem with gear and stat rating, then remove the gear / nerf stats. Why nerf the class abilities? They were not cumulating throughout the expansion.

As honorable mentions:

  • Lone Wolf should be straight-up removed, there’s no reason for this talent to exist, nothing to compensate, the only thing it does is that it locks MM in pet-less playstyle, which helps noone
  • Wailing Arrow (at least its visuals) should be moved to Dark Ranger Hero Talent tree and converted to something like Windburst was (powerful shot, neutral aesthetic, some utility).

They nerfed Leech, yes, and also removed Serpent Sting and Lunge (8yd attack range). In addition to what I mentioned in my previous post.

Initially I was excited for all the changes, now it looks like they are just taking away as much as they are adding.

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I know that I am probably gonna be one of the few ones with this opinion, but I always felt that Chakrams delayed the opener for Marksman Hunters…
Yes, I liked the focus regen, but you never really noticed the chakram animation lets be honest to ourselves.


Serpent Sting is literally still in every class spec tree. But instead of using a gcd for it we get it for free, I for one am thankful for that…

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Yup bring back death chakram


Could EZ be a choice node with Explosive shot, also steel trap could be a choice node with Binding shot


Nahh don’t make us choose between the 2 of them, better to have them both


The more we have the worst it get

Imagine we are dps capped we cannot do infinity damage, lets make it simple we are only allowed too make 100DPS and most of other speccs are also arround 100dps at a boss

On a 5 min fight with 100dps we make 30 000 damage too the boss, if we got 8 different damage buttons all are capped so we wont make more then 100 damage per second,A: so we got deathchakram explosive shot maybe flayshot comes back or
B: we only have one and thats explosive shot
A: deathchakram hits for 10, explosive shot for 10 and flayshot for 3 and 7 damage over a view sec
B: EXPLOSIV shot is allowed too hit for 30 because we have less other buttons

A: everythink hits for nothing that you can feel on the damage meter its like 1 too 2% of overall damage
B: EXPLOSIVE shot only is actually drops people HP and got an overall impact of 10-15%damage
OrB+: you let explosive shot also hit for 10 damage BUT know you have too buff Killcommand and Barbed shot damage (or simple +% of overall damage)so you still hit the 100dps and know it feels like your buttons have more impact on damage outside from burst

Worst szenario is of you get a ton of multiplieyer like 10%damage for 15 sec from deathchackram 18% from Bloodshed 15% from Bestial wrath and some crit modifier and so on, in this szenario you stack all your damage at ones and outside nothing is allowed too do damage because you cannot bypass 100dps and be better then other damage dealer

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no, we don’t need more unnecessary and meaningless buttons


It is definitely necessary and meaningfull button in PvP.

Above all, will they compensate the damage loss arising from removal of so-called ‘meaningless’ buttons? I want to ask Pollyannas.

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Old Chakrams and Glaive Toss looked and felt epic.

Serpent Sting can’t be applied unless you are in melee or have Eagle up. It’s seldom worth it to spend 30 Focus on some random guy just to get a DoT on him, while also wasting your Eagle buff when you need it on the kill target.

And again, the animation is cool.


Unnecessary and meaningless buttons?
They all are part of the rotation and necessary to enjoy the game style, I really enjoy pressing buttons.
The button bloat excuse is ridiculous.


Button bloat itself is ridiculous.

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I strongly disagree with your opinion on removing Lone Wolf and I am probably not alone on that.
There are plenty of MM hunters, who like Lone Wolf for its playstyle, not just dps increase. If you like playing with a pet, that’s fine and good for you. but other MM hunters (myself included) do enjoy pet-less playstyle and therefore removing Lone Wolf is not a good option.

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I actually do notice chakram animation pretty often and find it very satisfying, especially since hunters (MM at least) don’t have that many visually appealing abilities. So that’s one reason for keeping chakram in our arsenal on my part.
Another one is that, at least for MM hunters, death chakram coupled with valley and salvo gives us a nice mini burst every 45 seconds, which often helps me to nuke down the pack of trash before it starts causing trouble with their abilities.

Thus I see both practical and aesthetic use of death chakram.


This guy has zero hunter knowledge, tired of seeing his irrational opinions. Hard to find someone who speaks real problems of hunters nowadays. People are too obsessed with their fantasy.

Lone Wolf nerf is wrong. Many people embraced this playstyle since Legion. Also we sacrifice more talent points at both talent tree to maintain this playstyle.

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That’s probably (and hopefully) because you misunderstood :pray:
“Removing Lone Wolf” does NOT MEAN “removing the pet-less playstyle”. It MEANS “enabling both pet and pet-less playstyles”, because the damage difference between the playstyles will then be minimal (definitely minimal when compared to the current situation where Lone Wolf gives +10%/5%, AoE included).
While Lone Wolf (as a throughput buff) exists, MM hunters (in PvE) are locked in “pet-less playstyle”, which is obviously wrong to be locked in only one option. Same as you would feel it wrong if you were locked in “pet playstyle” (despite it being the original playstyle and one of the main Hunter themes). That’s why we should all advocate for both options to exist and be viable.

Caring for fantasy/immersion in a GAME is valid, and can be done alongside for caring for gameplay. And it has nothing to do with some hunter knowledge :laughing:

The only wrong thing is that it was not nerfed to the ground to finally open both playstyles. There’s a way to enable both playstyles to make everyone happy, yet you would insist that only one playstyle exists, because that’s the one you personally want. That’s the only irrational opinion here :exploding_head: Wake up, there are other people on this planet.

If you want it described precisely, this is the way for all us guys :four_leaf_clover:

You don’t have any experience neither in PvP nor PvE, even at basic level. I don’t think that people need opinions of random leveling mob killers. So you are either troll or clown.