Hi, This is not a Rant about Delves being either too easy or too hard.
It is more about how Blizzard handles them. It annoys me that they are one day this, the next day that. This goes for both Balancing of the Delves, Balancing Brann or even Branns XP Gain and capping him at Lvl 38.
Surely, you made a nice design document and it lists all the goals you have for delves.
If you feel ppl are gearing themself too fast, just turn them off until M+ / Myth starts…
Other then that, i really enjoyed my time in the Delves, did them all solo until now and also helped friends from time to time (I have a Retpala and a Prot Warrior). However right now i am just fed up with them because you can’t decide wether they should be easy or hard or blue or yellow or what not.
While i am ranting, the way these dumb mechanics with the Candle or Air Purifier work are completely against what i think the delves are about (you hide the curiosities around in all the nook and crannies and then you hinder my movement so i can’t go explore and look for them but rather be on a railroad from Recharge point to recharge point)
The mechanic in general is fine, but i don’t think it fits into the current delves? Atleast from what i think but since XP is capped it doesnt matter anyways anymore so why even bother looting those right?
Anyways. I’d prefer them saying “Sorry, we messed up with the Delve balancing, it will be back in 1-2 Weeks” over the kind of mess we have right now. Because this just makes you look silly. If bran is too strong? Just give me the ability to kick him out i can’t hear his dumb “These webs summon nerubians, DON’T STAND IN THEM” (while he is standing in them and i am not) anymore. good riddance, i’d prefer to go completely solo either way.
Anyways, sorry if i annoyed anyone with my rant i just wanted to leave this here because it just bothered me.