About exitlag app, need more info

so my primary account got ban for hack and 3rd party, which i never use for the past 13 years,
anyway that not why i’m here !
anyone know if exit lag app dont get you ban or play with some file or edit it. ?
can i get help with blue to confirm this plz is it safe ?
i did make new account and play with exit lag cus it give me lower ping from
130 to 98.
is it safe ? i delete it because i think it’s the one that got me ban from 1st account

You won’t get a specific answer to whether this app is allowed. That’s for sure.

Overall the use of a VPN is not forbidden, there are blues who confirmed this.


Small tweaks in the operating system that can raise your FPS while gaming.

sounds as vague as it can be. The definitive answer is: depends on what they do exactly.

so what happen if this app realy do something to your file and you get ban ?
they should never allow this
i’m talking about wasting 13 years of playing cus of reduce lag app then ?
they should come clear with vpn stuff

Then it did more than Blizzard allows.

they should never allow this

What exactly?

What? They are very clear. VPNs are allowed. You just can’t use it to bypass restrictions.

Using third party software, of which you are not sure what it exactly does, is risky. Nothing Blizzard can do about that. Ask the maker of the app what they do exactly (they are really vague) and check if it fits Blizzard’s EULA/ToS.

Hi there,

As mentioned by Magiola we can’t give the thumbs up or down for any given piece of software.

For more info and a link to the relevant anti-cheating terms, please visit this support article: