Im just wandering about Unleashed Inferno. I know most ppl enjoying this flamestrike/skb build, but the logic to give no choice to ppl again is ****s i guess. +the next weeks nerf will do the job, but will see.
My problem is, Unleashed Inferno looks good as a talent but how is it worth to use it?
Its not buffing any aoe, ignite spread nerfed as **** too, so its not even worth to try it on m+. On the other hand, as I experienced, with SKB Hyperthermia dosent worth to play either, the combustion uptime is so high that it almost never procs.
Again, we are at the point where there is no choice between two builds, because one of them has been made impossible. Ok, now we have different builds for m+ and raid, but no variation allowed between the capstones now. They made an interesting talent UI, but they made it unusable next to the current aoe options, and because of the overtuned SKB.
Before anyone gets it wrong, this is not a rage topic or anything like that, I just don’t understand why they keep making the same mistake.
Totally agree. It was an improvement from where we were but still pales in comparison to other specs in the game.
I don’t see why people so hyped. All they did was buff up the spells shuffle up the tree and make flamestrike viable. Basically playstyle is exactly the same as before. If you go flamestrike build you need skb because inferno does nothing to flamestriking during combustion. We are back to square one the only difference is that they overtuned the spec but nothing really happened rework wise.
I love flamestriking and its good that the spec is given proper aoe besides ignire spread but they could have achieved this without any rework all they had to do is crank up flamestirke dmg.
This is one of the main things I don’t get about the ‘‘rework’’, SKB is triggered by and buffs both ST and AoE damage, while UI is soley focused on ST (with the exception of Phoenix Flames) and isn’t actually better for just being ST.
The choice should simply be, more damage during Combustion and a shorter cooldown vs chunky hits every now and then and more Combustion uptime. But we’ve ended up with one choice that operates in ST and AoE, while being superior at both and one that only operates in ST and is simply just worse (even if the with the 4 set PF is critting 140k).
If they want people to use Unleashed Inferno they need to add flamestrike to the spells that reduce the combustion cd.
They added the living bomb cd reduction talent but livingbomb itself is so undertuned nobody will use it. Even the talent itself does not reduce the cd enough to justify using it. Flamestrike just a much better aoe damage.
The entire tree rework and new talents kind of useless because there is only one build fire mage has and the build that blizzard made which is tke combustion+skb build.
I said it for a long time. They need to get rid of combustion playstyle. They need to get rid of SKB. As long as these are in the game the spec will always be the same.
At least now fire does great damage and not bottom dps spec but doing good damage != well designed spec.
I don’t understand why the ignite spread build had to be nerfed so much? It could work very well with UI, and that one build problem would be solved. Everyone could decide to play SKB+famestrik or UI+ignite build, but since it only goes to 3-5 targets, ignite is worth almost nothing against flamestrike. On the other hand, the fire mage is now only scaling with haste, thanks to the ignite nerf, versa can only be a top stat for a class because the others have become meaningless, since the dev team doesn’t know what they want to achieve either.
All in all I’m happy mages finally got work done and a lot of good things came out of the rework (RoP gone most notably, but also Flamestrike finally having a use again and finally contributing to Hot Streak)
But yea, seeing as how every single spec is still SKB centric I hope Blizz isn’t done with the class and does some tuning so SKB isn’t mandatory anymore.
Less than 1 min CD on combustion would be good and fun with UI. But UI have some fundamental problems, in its current state. The first problem is that the UI is not flamestrike compatible at all, if the flamestike would be buffed by the UI ,even then there would be the problem that flamestrike doesn’t work with kindling either.
And with a talent like UI, one of the essence of which is CDR, every flamestrike cast would be a wasted sec cooldown and since the entire aoe is currently built on it, this is not appropriate in any way.
What annoys me is that if this was put together like this, why did they make the UI talent at all? I have seen this to be the case since the first PTR tests, none of the devs whose job it is to do this noticed the illogicality? Or are they just so uninterested in it all?
It wouldn’t be difficult to do this normally, to make both capstone builds usable, but for almost a month they didn’t even touch the whole thing, only the percentages were dragged down and up.
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