About Fishing

Please adjust these points:

  • Add a profession slot to equip the fishing hat in the slot (dear god how is this not a thing since the start of dragonflight)
  • New problem: Creating a fisherline to attach a pole costs AA (which is fine). But then add an item to extract the fisherline from the item (something like 2Kgold from vendor). Otherwise people won’t use fisherline until they can craft the best pole, which is kinda dumb.
  • Alternative: make fisherline another profession slot (so that you code both features at the same time). Turn fisherline into any other profession item. Then make that the enchant does nothing and give everyone with a fisherline the new profession item.

EDIT: full story, I disenchanted my fishing pole (had to recover item, and stuck with a pole rank 2 which is my bad). It will happen to others.


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I really don’t understand why fishing doesn’t have a slot for the hat. I just don’t use it because otherwise I forget and never take it off. Worse I end up d/e-ing my actual helm.

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