About handing in the new PvP quests - now or next week?

Right now I have three quests, all of which involve killing 25 horde players in Nazjatar (one of them isn’t specific to that zone)

  • Against overwheling odds
  • Call to Arms: Nazjatar
  • Drowning the Horde

These reward conquest points, which are basically useless at this point, but will be very useful once Season 3 begins. So it might be worth waiting to hand in the quest… BUT I’m afraid that the completed quests might entirely disappear from the quest log in that case.

Against overwhelming odds will probably be there next week too, so I might as well complete that. Call to Arms quests, as far as I know, disappear on the weekly reset, so I should probably complete that too.
As for Drowning the Horde, I have no idea.

Can anyone confirm or advise?

If they follow the other weekly quests’ rules, they definitely disappear. :frowning:

Edit: In fact I just remembered that Drowning the Horde disappeared this Wednesday after I’d picked it up on Monday. Soooo yeah ;-;

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