About pandaria remix

Will you be able to pick DF-relevant races/classes?
Like, can u make evoker, DH or vulpera something in pandaria remix?

AFAIK yes, especially yes to evoker. I’ll see if I can find where they said it for you.

Edit: Ta da!

“This event includes all of the races and classes that are available in Dragonflight. Keep in mind that there is a one-Evoker-per-realm limit in Dragonflight that some players will want to plan around.”


I’m going to make a Zanda pala for the memes.


I’m kinda set on a vulpera shaman… enh ofc :stuck_out_tongue:


Curious… do they start in Pandaria or would they have to go through Forbidden Reach’s introductory questline first? :thinking:

Pandaria at level 10, same as everyone else.

Guess I’ll finish off the introductory stuff for the achievements first before deleting it for the Remix.

hey i downloaded the 10.2.7 ptr but i dont seem to get the new remix chatracter just a normal log in

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(Zrakka here)
Sorry but I haven’t touched the PTR. I don’t know how it works. I believe there was only a timerunning weekend test, though.

Remix was tested last weekend (you should see it on the PTR calendar). I don’t know when the next round of remix testing will be.

thanks i though it was a constatn thing on ptr since it the .7 patch

And I will pick Pandaren specifically to make sure that every single Pandaren NPC will refer to me as a foreigner even though they have no way to tell whatsoever. (I speak their language and look exactly like them)

It is the greatest of memes.


I thought that as well until I saw the PTR forum posts :frowning:

About Throne of Thunder, right? xD

yea i keep checking they update but still no remix create screen weird

I’m really looking forward to Pandaria Remix. Not only am I going to get to level up through all the Pandaria zones, which I was never able to do properly with Chromie Time, because one hits level 60 so quickly, I’ll also do it with a Pandaren alt because I’ve never played a Pandaren before, and I think this will be the perfect time to give one a try.

What class should I make my Pandaren? I already have a couple of monks, but I guess it has to be a monk, right?

Rogue and hunter fit quite well with the shado-pan. I would go look up on how different armour sets suit them. Nothing worse than making a toon and finding they look bad in everything.

DiaperGnome as monk. Just to embrace the mechanical immersion.

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