About Sentinel Icon for Paladin

This isn’t a gamebreaking issue, or let alone issue. But it’s merely a visual disturbance on my part.

I’m wondering why I can’t see its Holy Nova equivalent icon in the game anymore, and I did the usual “uninstall of wow, delete remaining folders and make a fresh install of WoW and open the game with no addons and see if the problem still persists” drill, but it persists in spite of doing all that. Is this the same for every paladin ?
I’m reporting this, because sometimes it feels like I chose Avenging Wrath: Might talent when I’m logged in. Doesn’t feel like I chose Sentinel and it always bugs my eye.

This bug is related to some glyph. Winged Vengeance, probably.

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About that, if they ever fix this bug, they should give us the new 4 wings with the new animation too. And thanks for pointing me in the right direction. <3

Apparently to circumvent the block on Winged Vengeance with Sentinel, I applied the glyph on Avenging Wrath, then changed it to Sentinel, which caused all this. But I hate the old 4 wing animation anyways, so thanks again.

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