About this server


Im thinking about changing server from Silvermoon since that server is so god damn overpopulated it´s ridicilous.

So i have a few question i wonder about Sylvanas:

1. Are there many Swedish players and guild on this realm?
2. Is this server overpopulated as well in your opinion? And is it an active server even tho it is not overpopulated?
3. Is it a good server? :)

Thanks for your time guys. Take care
Im also interested in this. I chose Sylvanas as a potential destination because there is a big alliance population but still not as overcrowded as outland or silvermoon.

Is there a queue at expansion/patch launches?

And I hope the majority of the community here is international, and there arent big groups who only talk their own language...
Hi both

The server is, in my honest opinion, very international; ofcourse there are guilds/groups in their native tongue, but they never dominate the chat (as far as I've seen). It's hard to say from where the majority of the people come from, but Scandinavia, UK and The Netherlands are at least here is some bigger numbers.

populationwise, it's not bad actually; but with the sharding it's hard to tell these days. if I look at numbers from realmpop: Sylvanas has about 50% of the players that Silvermoon have and 75% of what Ravencrest or Outland has. Sylvanas concluded the top 4 of Alliance servers of most active characters.

when it's launchday I don't see queues in general, but there's bound to have been one when BfA came out, not that big at least (if even at all).
I heard accounts of Draenor/Silvermoon with a 6k+ queue at launch, that we didn't have.

more questions? do ask
1 Like
Hi there,
Thanks for the information. From someone else who is eyeing up this server and a return to the alliance I have a keen eye on the AH. I was wondering how fast it is on here as on my current realm Argent Dawn it's painful to use.

Thank you :)
It's a good realm if you don't mind a goofy community and constant banter
I'm also interesting in potentially re-rolling / transferring to this realm.

Are there a good mix of casual guilds who do a bit of raiding etc? Really looking for a good community :)
Hi both.

I found the server was ok, was busy when I lasted played there (some time ago) so can't say what its like now, I moved from the server end of legion, but! Its still a nice place to be :)
Sylvanas is a good server can't say anything else. :)