Absolutely no point playing random Battlegrounds because every game is 99% premades now

I’ve come across few 5 man premades in the normal Battlegrounds but haven’t found any issue per say. Won a handful and lost only once in an Ashran, you win some and you lose some, with the right mindset you can win games. Playing objectively is what makes the biggest difference, and you can also form a network of buddies to play with in a 5 man group, there you will notice improvement, hope this helps.

I’ve just renew my sub after a break, tried some epic bg for gear catch up, every single time what i have seen was baboon zazo or zado whatever this piece of …
I cant explain how much i regret to renew my sub


It’s how it is, blizz wants sub to drop.

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even with google translator i’m not sure with option you mean.

When i want to report someone i have those options:

  • bad character name
  • cheating or bot
  • AFK

So i assume cheating?

Not sure I’m a bit confused aswell because with cheating can only select hacking or botting wich isnt the case.
The case is these clowns zadö, zénnie alfredopaly larkus etc are group syncing and abusing report system to get rid of players in their raids. they literally run the epic bg premades from 9 in the morning till 2 or 3 at night… every single day… bracket is ruined.
all blizz have to is have the game register when queue in a party and then put those up only against other parties. Not random normies. But i guess indeed it seems that blizzard doesnt care if players get bullied into oblivion by premades the whole day every day. and with that slowly killing pvp interest for many

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I was so sick of not being able to play my new healer toon for weeks now with being up against same premades 90% of time I finally snapped today. I whispered one of the leaders for a while today and asked on his server where i could sign up for his cheating premades. Now my account is banned… dont even know if its perma banned didnt see any warnings just cant login anymore and account just gone. 16years of no behaviour issues, snap one time because cant play my favourite game mode anymore and see it ruined, and I’m banned… ahh well… time to look for something else to do with my life no wow anymore. have fun in Azeroth everyone. I’m out

I wouldn’t read so much into it unless you have actually had a message to say you have been banned, nobody can log in at the minute, the sever is having a major brainfart.


cant see my account anymore on my page I already wrote entire essay to appeal lol well I hope its just server issues then omg

European servers down, well, they will also be down for the rat kids of the premades.

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So would the servers being down also cause me not being able to see my game account anymore on my account page? like the games & subscription tab is just blank for me… but there is supposed to be my account name

So first, I believe if you are banned you cannot write on a character on the account thats banned.
Just went into bnet myself and it says
“Server Error
We couldn’t retrieve some of your information. Please try again in a few minutes.”
leaving the accounts not visible.

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lol omg tysm xD the one day i portrayed some questionable behaviour i cant login anymore and my account gone so I figured i’m banned lol. Ah well, at least got to send a rant about premades to support as I wrote half an essay to appeal ban…

When I go to my account settings via battlent I see the following message, So I really wouldn’t worry if I were you.

Server Error

We couldn’t retrieve some of your information. Please try again in a few minutes.

yeah I see that aswell and then in the game & subscription tab, where my account is supposed to be, my account was gone so I thought i was seeing all them messages because i got banned lmao. I did find it a bit strange that I was banned tbh as I on purpose didn’t insult the premade leader, but just kept asking him to teach me how to be great skillfull player like him n something bout a small pp lol…

You would be very unlikely to receive a direct ban for that, at worst you would receive a warning, advising you to be mindful of your conduct or face a short ban in future.

yeah and that’s exactly why I wrote an entire essay why would ban me without warning but allow them cheaters lol… But turns out the disconnect was just karma reminding me not to stoop down to questionable behaviour, even if they’re a bunch of bleep and bleep and bleep and I would prefer to bleep those bleep
I really thought I lost my characters lol im so noob with technology


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Yeah i only play 10 man bgs as epic bgs are boring. But some people really DO have a problem with me queing with a few friends.

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Say hello to those little premade kids, who I know read us, but since they are just as cowardly as in BG, they don’t come here to comment, they just whisper to you in the game.

After a day of hard work, all we want is to relax and blast some plebs.