Absurds of WoW PvP

Disci priests crying about rdruids :smiley: Thats cute.

Of all things to moan about resto druid (there are a few), poly protection isn’t one.

everyone is biased when its their class that is broken there is a lot of destro locks and ww monks who claim ithey are balanced too :stuck_out_tongue:


I know you are reffering to me with this, however i don’t deny that destro is broken. It’s just not broken because of infernal but because of 37k bolts without cds.

more about the lock called whisperer that defends it all the time

Ok that guy is hopeless.

These are the abilities that screwed PvP the hardest that we lost them.

Fairy Fire, not Fairy Swarm, is another that would come to my mind.

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