Okay so In most cases when I play solo shuffle I have civilized and normal conversation with people and we end up winning and having fun. Problem emerges when I ask a X person why didn’t you press a single spell you have available to use? Instant response is “(fu, cancer class, l2p, trash, why are u telling me what to do etc.”) Or in case when I tell normally player play this talent its really good Vs. certain thing etc. and same thing happens. After I tell them there is no reason to be toxic and start flaming they proceed, I report them and move on. But they also report me cause they have no other choice and they see I’m not flaming them and they still do it. And my question is I get these pop-up messages near my mini up reported for language? At this point I might turn off chat, lol and talk to no one. Even though I never flamed anyone in any shape or form I still get reported and I get these messages. GM can look at my chat logs and see, there is no problem. I just wanna be sure am I’m good to go.(I have a screenshots as well from people who flamed btw.)
Random is random, sometimes you get good teammates sometimes they’re not as good.
Regarding the warning notice ingame, it’s automated.
If you’ve reported them for offensive language you don’t need the screenshots, Blizzard has the chatlogs of both sides. If you’ve not done anything wrong you can just stay the course or turn off chat.
Thanks Saneko. Im relieved now. Have a nice day!
Think you might get some pleasure reporting people
Tbh when I have done it there is usually 0 chat.
This is why we need solo queue rather than solo shuffle. The concept is good just fix the Frames of it (arena frames, cus its bugging) and and make it solo queue instead. PvP will explode next xpac if this happens, mark my word.
old topic, i had a player, 0 dispells in arena, me as rogue had 0 moving and was killed by a mage. Called me bad. And a bad person while i explained it when the match was started a few seconds. explained i need dispells to survive after CD are used. Setup 4 players to report me for deranking. thanks, this kind of stuff regardless level of skill wanna make me quit
Hello, quite unfortunate experience you got there in the match!
Unfortunately you may not name/shame players on the forums. Best to edit out their name.
If they’ve harassed you ingame you may report them for that. I recommend not responding back and putting them on the ignore list and moving on with your day.
Thanks - edited out