Hi everyone, just wondered if there’s anybody that can assist on this. I’ve had these errors off and on now for a long time but in the last week or so they’re getting more and more frequent, to the point that the game is now unplayable as it gives me this error too much. I’ve included the error below.
Usually when this happens, it will happen a couple of times very quickly when I log back into the game, there’s then also a good chance that my PC will blue screen within about 30 mins of having these errors, usually for memory management. I have reseated RAM and no longer getting any issues on the windows memory management tool, but this issue is still persisting. I’m not really sure what needs to be checked or what could be causing the issue.
Program C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail\Wow.exe
Exception: ACCESS VIOLATION - The instruction at “0x00007ff72b0f7be1” referenced memory at “0x000002e67e9dc109”. The memory could not be “read”.
Process ID: 17228
Thread ID: 17012
Access violations and blue screens are usally driver related so i’d make sure your drivers are all up to date.
Overclocking or Intel’s turbo settings in BIOS can also cause problems. Check you have the latest BIOS update and try disabling such settings to see if that helps.
Been having this now for months… Could not find any decent solution, I removed addons , did not help, re install of wow and Battle.net did not help. driver up to date, never overclocked anything , this is a custom build pc I never changed any settings only added a new 4K monitor, I even had it on my old 6 year old computer. Diablo 4 is the same I cannot even play 1 minute before the whole client crashes without even a error message. And often enough even the battle net agent crashes so bad in addition that I have to stop it in the task manager to be able to play again. this is so fing stupid.
Funny enough any other game I play have absolutely NO PROBLEM. Did they add some anti cheat ware that now fs up everything?
Read something about under clocking my CPU (not GPU) from the bios but I really am hesitant to mess around with things I have no real understanding of…
I have seemed to actually found the fix for me after months of this error and trying a lot of things, I had a page on the internet talking about problems with the Intel Turbo Options in the BIOS on machines with the newer Intel chips and the Graphics card .
Problem for me I am not a Hardware person, ths first try to find Turbo entries in the BIOS was a bust, Now I tried again to find it in my BIOS and Lo And behold I found them (under OC Tools or something ?) turned them off as suggested…
Since then I had not one crash while I have lately had 25 to 30 crashes a day. It seems to actually help my machine to work normally again. I also have to try D4 again because I also had crashes there , could not play for ages…
Hope you find your own problem soon. I will leave this here for the chance that it helps someone else…
I am getting the same error but I’m using Lutris on Linux Mint using Proton Experimental. I have tried other versions of WINE/Proton but I get the same error. Seems to be a Blizzard issue though. and I understand I won’t get support here because my OS is not supported but I thought I would add extra input just in case
Been having the same issues for months too, I’m fairly certain its something to do with CPU voltage issues. Intel are issuing a patch for it but basically if yours has already started crashing then a patch wont fix it, it needs to be replaced. There was an article about it on “Toms Hardware intel-finally-announces-a-solution-for-cpu-crashing-errors-claims-elevated-voltages-are-the-root-cause-fix-coming-by-mid-august”
May be worth taking a look at that and seeing if it looks similar?