Access Violation when loading character select screen


When I am trying to load the game, getting to the character select screen has now become impossible as the game crashes consistently 100% of the time with an Access Violation error. I have tried the following:

Reinstalling WoW
Playing with no AddOns
Updating Graphics Drivers
Updating BIOS
Updating Windows
Reinstalling Windows

Getting a bit annoyed with this now as early access for the War Within starts in about 10 hours and i am unable to play this game at all now.

I have looked at various Reddit posts like this one:

But they are talking about setting I can’t get to due to the game crashing before I can even select a character.

I have been given various Report IDs like: 1B8A48E4-7D74-419F-8F4B-20E07D91C0B6

Pastebin Error report from retail\Errors folder:

EDIT: I have now noticed that the only way I am able to play is by deleting the WTF, CACHE and INTERFACE folders from the WoW directory, however if I then log out and back in again it will revert back to constantly crashing until I repeat the deletion of the aforementioned folders.

Hello Ashanie :slight_smile:

I had a quick look at your reports (thank you for sharing and sending them over to us by the way, appreciated!) and it looks like the cause of the crashes you are experiencing is something our engineers are working on already.

I have no details about a fix, but crossing fingers it shouldn’t take too much - likely an upcoming patch :slight_smile:



I am also having the same issue! I have already opened a ticket as well. I hope a fix comes soon!

Hey there, I also have the same issue. However, I have a “work around” that seems to be working for me at the moment. When you load into the game, start pressing enter or spam click “Enter World” on your character. This will get you into the game. You should be able to log out and select other characters as well.

This is working for me so far and hasn’t crashed yet when I play this way. I really hope there is a fix soon.

Many people seem to suffer from that issue; there seems to be another post on the forums aswell. It seems to be related to “Flail” weapons and it being on a character. Check if you have any “Favorite” characters on your warband that have the transmog of a flail weapon, warriors and paladins tend to have some of them for example (but I am sure there are others. Paladin has the legion transmog for example). Removing the Flail fixed the issue for a lot of us, worth a shot atleast! :slight_smile:

This might actually be the cause. I have a prot paladin in my warband. I will try get into the game and remove the weapon. Il let you know :smiley:

Absolute legend. My game works now. I just spammed enter world on my main, logged out, logged my paladin and change the transmog. I have relaunched wow over 10 times to make sure it doesnt crash and it hasnt. Again - legend.

Can we get an update here on the situation when they’ve found and fixed the problem?

Any update on a fix for this issue ?

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