Accidentally made character on wrong realm (low pop), should I change?

Hi, I decided to jump into classic hardcore hype after like 10 year WoW hiatus. Because of not playing for so long, I did not realize do any research on realms or even what is the difference between classic era and anniversary. Just clicked on classic hardcore and made character on a blink.
Now I have realized that classic era hc (where I am) i’s low population and most are playing anniversary hc.
I played yesterday for about 12 hours almost in one go and got to level 12. I know it’s not really that much and I can lose it anyways anytime I die… but I’m already kind of fond to that character lol.

What do you think? Is it even that bad to play on low population server until I probably die? Or should I just abandon that character asap for more populated anniversary server? I do miss the more lively servers I remember playing on years ago. I’m not sure yet if I will be doing any dungeons, but it would be nice to know there would be easier time finding party in more populated server.

If you want to play with the most people the regular Anniversary realms are the busiest atm from Classic.

No, it’s not bad. There’s still - and I think forever will be - enough players in the Era servers to level with, and for endgame if you ever make it that far. And the upside of knowing almost everybody is a strength in its own right. I love it there. Playing mostly Nek’Rosh alliance, so I migth say Hello if I see you there.

Id say make the switch because its gonna be a pain to find a group for dungeons ,and you can defentily hit 12 much quicker

I’m in nek’rosh too. Looks like I’m leveling this hunter in era servers until it dies. (or may I even say IF it dies, hunter seem kind of chill and easy.) Kind of makes the thought of dying less stressful, thinkin it as kind of reward and good reason to switch to anniversary servers lol.

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Hunters are best :wink:

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Whatever you do, DO NOT go to the regular anniversary realms. Lfg is 90% people wanting to sell level boosts and the realm is probably full with bots and RMT.
People are much nicer on HC as well.

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Sounds bad. Yeah I will for sure be going HC again when the time comes. I know that I would for sure get bored quickly leveling, without fear of death. Maybe with friends it would be fun, but my only IRL wow playing friend plays retail end game content and I’m not interested in retail at all atm.

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Only Traitors go to Ann servers. Go Nek’Rosh and Go Stitches!

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That´s a bit harsh. You need people to play this game properly and at this point in time, the anniversary hc realms are filled with ppl, whereas Nekrosh and Stitches are in a sad state.

Pleas do not talk us down. I want to repeat what I said earlier:

No, it’s not bad. There’s still - and I think forever will be - enough players in the Era servers to level with, and for endgame if you ever make it that far. And the upside of knowing almost everybody is a strength in its own right. I love it there.

I dont care what you say. I played on post anniversary Nek´rosh long enough to know that it was bad. Hours to find a grp, dead silent lfg channel etc.

I still play there, I like it - we could very well need more players, but I really do not think that trash-talking the realm is the right way to do it.

Trash talking? Buddy, grow a thicker skin please. Saying those realms aren´t in a bad state right now is like saying pirate did nothing wrong.

I don’t know what/who is Pirate, reckon something streamer-y which in no way captures my attention. I just play, and I know that raids still happen in more guilds regularly, buffs still drop regularly … I admit more player would be nice, but we’re in a steady state, number of players, auctions etc. has been steady, with a weak upwards trend for a month or more now.
I know you just agitate for a merge (and I would, if not welcome it, at least accept it), but trying to scare away necomers is no matter what bad style.

Guys pls chill, nothing wrong in liking one more than another.
I now have played to level 18, it’s a bit lonely sometimes, (especially when I’m alliance and I think Nek´rosh is more horde biased?) but I still have some fun interaction with other players sometimes. Few names became familiar when we leveled about in same pace for few days. It’s not perfect nor that bad in the end imo.
I’m in no rush to change, but when I die, I will likely change… but IF Nek´rosh and Stitches merge, that would most likely change my mind.

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