Account access lost to Blizzard's incompetence

Good day.
I’m writing on behalf of my wife, whose account is basically inacessible now.
After all the “Russian account limitations” happened, her Blizzard Authenticator have been reset on her mobile device. The only way to log in was to restore it by Serial number and that backup code or whatever it’s called. We do have both of these, yet after typing that in all we were gettting is “unexpected error” message,
We’ve contacted a customer support in hopes of just turning the authenticator off…quite frankly, we’ve done it 3 times because your support staff, in all their ingeniuity, have sent us a link to some form for providing additional info…which required to LOG-IN TO THE ACCOUNT. When the whole issue is BEING UNABLE TO LOG-IN due to lost access to the authenticator.
And the additional info they asked for was a bunch of ridiculous questions, varying from “the last in-game purchase by gold” (when it’s been god knows how many months since she were online) to some stuff related to Hearthstone which we have never even installed on our PC.
In the end, we were kicked out by “sorry, we can’t process your request” message.

So yea, basically it’s now impossible for her to log in.
You couldn’t even seize the support of russian mobile phone numbers right, Blizzard.
And people wonder about the issue of white-blue “model not found” cubes replacing the in-game models…

Your post is difficult to read - you would be better advised to write factually and briefly and save the rest for another time.

However, I think what you are trying to say is that the authenticator has reset itself so, to all intents and purposes, it no longer works. Trying to remove the authenticator would usually require an SMS code and it’s unclear to me why this won’t work for you - you state the authenticator is on your wife’s mobile phone so she can, presumably, still receive an SMS ?

This article details how to deal with the situation of an authenticator that you no longer have access to, I would suggest you follow the instructions here. If you need further help, posting without hyperbole and irrelevant commentary usually leads to a more productive result.

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I haven’t had that since the start of Wrath in 2009.

All you should need to do is supply a picture of a national ID to get an authenticator removed.

If you are talking about sanctions stopping you from doing this then there isn’t much Blizzard can do.

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Well, if that is the case, then why they couldn’t just suggest me that option? Why all the hassle about “type in your last saved address/payment method”? I was thinking about this myself but not once I was presented with an opportunity.

“Answer these stupid questions you can not possibly remember the answers to”. Every time.

Sanctions are stopping us from receiving an SMS and applying authenticator. Removing one, however, is still possible through the customer service.

Just a few days ago I stumbled on the nomodel cube on this very forum. It was stuck in some worgen’s head on his avatar, lol.
Also spotted in-game in the Goblin starting zone and STV.

We can’t receive an SMS because as of Feb. 24th, 2022 we live in a terrorist state, so…yea.

Sadly, I ran out of my “Posting without hyperbole and irrelevant commentary” limit after 3 failed attempts of facilitating productive communication with the customer service.

If asking what was our last item purchased by gold months or even years ago (or what phone number did we use back in 2015) is their only way to verify our identity…well, excuse me for running out of patience.

Well this would seem to be the main stumbling block then, and is hardly Blizzard’s fault.

Except it is.
Removing authenticator is their job in case an SMS reception is not possible. They do this regularily and it’s even stated in the link you yourself provided.
And wasting my time with replies like “we can remove it but answer this bunch of idiotic questions through the link you cannot access” is hardly a sign of sanctions being the stumbling block.

It is not Blizzard’s fault that your country is a pariah state.

What a clever and imaginative take. Is it Hardys fault he resides in one?

Curious situation, I seem to recall an incident not long ago where a Blizzard employee removed 2-factor authentication based on an in-game ticket. Where does following end?

Their job unless told otherwise. Microsoft owns blizzard activision or in the process of owning it, and just took up part in the sanctions with removi g their servers and everything from russia.

Not saying its the case, but maybe theyve been told to relunctently do this stuff by higher up

I never had any of these issues removing my authenticator when i got in touch due to my accounts authenticator being broken

But its also their job to make it impossible for a fraudulant claim of removal also, they have to use some form of metrics to prove ur the owner.

And given ur SMS and currency is blocked. It means ur account lacks a paper trail to prove ur identity with.

Its their job to remove the autheticator, but also to ensure no one compromises the safety of ur account its a very double bladed situation regarding this.

If they just deleted every authenticator upon demand alot of people would be very unhappy

As for ur inability ot log into the account, i eas able to access my account entirely before my authenticator was removed. Even tho my authenticator wasnt used in years, i just couldnt rename groups til i could remove it to add a new one.

This sounds deeper then just a authentication issue, which may be the reason why ur struggling here.

I never said it was. But the fact remains that Western Governments, including the USA, have applied extremely severe sanctions to Russia and companies based in those Western countries have to comply with them.

It may not be a clever and imaginative take, but then the truth is often prosaic.

If it was due to sanctions then Blizzard can get a very hefty fine for doing business with people in sanctioned countries.