Account closure

Greetings first of all sorry for my english if its bad since its not my native tongue.
I tried to appeal for hack since i suspect hacked happened to my account and got me banned but after gm finding he didnt find anything and upheld the penalty sadly which made me so sad ;(.
I have been playing this game since 2011 late cata and never missed a month subbing almost every month and never in my wow time whispered a person a bad word and got silenced for silly things before like saying i miss shadowlands or dragonflight best expansion ever or something like that in trade chat so i guess those silly things got my account stacked to eventually lead to closure account and i was so lazy to appeal for those silly things since the duration for the silence was not worth it in my view and by the time a gm answer my ticket it will be gone sadly.
Im sorry if im talking so much here but im dying from inside seeing all my hard work and time spent into this account got closed like that and got no access to it yet and i tried to remember what i did this month or the month before of bad words or anything and all i can remember that i spammed OMG when the manuscript from sarkerth lfr edge of void dropped for me after 8 months grind or less not sure how much but its a relief after farming it on my characters.
Maybe i said the f word plunderstorm in /s with my friends in elwynn idk what else i did i try to remember so hard what else :frowning: .
Not sure what to do now im on the verge of crying at the moment since i can’t buy another account since my country blocked internation payment option too and the only way and my little bro was paying the game via gold those last months and was helping him to pay for his game time in the meantime till he gets the hang of it and make gold himself till they open international payment again.
I’m sorry if this so much guys but im so lost and helpless now what do warcraft have been a part of my life for more than decade and i don’t want to lose it can anyone tell me what to do in situation like this or give me a tip what to do next and thank you and sorry to bother you all :frowning:

Please do not post about account penalties. If you already appealed the action and it has been upheld, there is no further recourse available.